The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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with the Elkhorns.Wolverines are known to be present, due toconsistent trapping records. <strong>The</strong>y have beenlocated in the Brooklyn Bridge that connectsthe Elkhorns to MacDonald Pass - ContinentalDivide. Crow Peak is a prime habitat areas forwolverines as this area has the latest springsnow in the Elkhorns.Elk are abundant in the linkage, with apopulation of about 1,500 animals. <strong>The</strong> eastand west sides of the linkage area are moreproductive for elk than the south end, which isdrier habitat. Elk winter in the foothills of theElkhorn Mountains and summer at the higherelevations. <strong>The</strong>re are several distinct winterranges, with areas like Devil’s Fence, KimberGulch, Pole Creek, Dutchman Creek, SouthCrow Creek to Muddy Lake Creek, Elkhorn (thetown) and Emerson Peak. <strong>The</strong> Eagle Creek herdwinters in the North Crow area and moves intoClear Creek in the summer. Other importantsummer range areas include Beaver Creek, theTizer Basin, and High Peak. <strong>Area</strong>s like Johnny’sGulch are important for elk year-round. <strong>The</strong>reare areas outside the Helena National Forestthat are also important winter range, such asPrickly Pear Creek, Southwest of the Elkhorns,and winter range from Ryan Mountain toHadley Park. <strong>The</strong> Brooklyn Bridge Ridge, LumpGulch, and Boulder Pass are major movementareas between the Boulders and the ElkhornMountains. <strong>The</strong> entire area between the townsof Unionville, Corbin, Wickes, and Jefferson Cityhas a lot of elk moving back and forth betweenthe Boulders and Elkhorn mountain ranges.Although elk generally move shorter distances(up and down slope), one radio-collaredbull moved from the Elkhorns to Unionville;similarly, a cow elk moved from the Elkhorns toWoodsworth.Pronghorn: <strong>The</strong> Brooklyn Bridge Ridge andMontana City area are major movement areasbetween the Boulders and the Elkhorn MountainsBighorn Sheep: <strong>The</strong> Elkhorns bighorn sheepherd has undergone a recent collapse dueto disease, with an approximate 90% herdreduction. <strong>The</strong> habitat is good, and there islimited hunting and poaching.92<strong>Conservation</strong> ThreatsDevelopment is increasing, particularly alongthe east and northeast sides of the linkage areaalong Highway 12/287. On the western sideof the linkage area, private land subdivisionis increasing between Montana City andJefferson City, particularly between JeffersonCity and Alhambra. Elk winter range, whichis the limiting factor for sustainability of elkpopulations, often occurs on private land. <strong>The</strong>development of private land inholdings withinthe Forest is also a threat; winter range aroundSaddle Mountain is being lost to subdivision. Inthe Lump Gulch to Park Lake area, a developeris purchasing old mining claims; this willexacerbate the loss of connectivity between theElkhorns and the Boulders.Highways are increasingly an issue; as exurbandevelopment increases, so does traffic. Animalvehiclecollisions are increasing along Highway287/12 between Helena and Townsend, andalong I-15 between Montana City and JeffersonCity, particularly near Clancy. Another animalvehiclecollision hotspot is along Highway 69 justsouth of the town of Boulder.Conflict has been occurring between livestockoperators and the elk; likewise, because ofthe number of livestock operators, there islow tolerance for wolves; packs have unable toestablish long term in this linkage area.Mining: <strong>The</strong> Montana Tunnels gold mine, westof this linkage, is active, with expansion plans.Depending on the gold extraction methods, goldmining can pose a significant threat to streamwater quality and loss of habitat, due to themine and associated roads directly fragmentinghabitat and also because increased activity in anarea will cause wildlife to avoid the area.Disease: <strong>The</strong> Elkhorns bighorn sheep herd hasundergone a recent collapse due to diseasetransmission between domestic and bighornsheep. <strong>The</strong>re are existing grazing allotmentswithin the linkage area. Insect-borne treedisease is also a big issue in the Muskrat Creekarea of the Boulder Valley.Fire suppression in the area has led to coniferencroachment, which is causing a loss of

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