The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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suspected in very low levels, even though theproductive wet areas, meadows, and whitebarkpine stands are potential habitat.Wolves move throughout this linkage.<strong>Conservation</strong> ThreatsInsect disease is affecting the conifer standsin this area. Spruce budworm is attackingDouglas fir while a major mountain pinebeetle infestation is attacking lodgepole pinethroughout southwest Montana. Lower areas arealso affected by conifer encroachment.Moose populations are declining in thisregion due to hunting pressure and otherenvironmental factors.Mining speculators are increasing explorationfor molybdenum in the Pioneers.Climate change may lessen the snow pack in theDewey linkage, and affect sensitive wolverinedenning behavior.Any land management activities that varyungulate populations in this area could have anegative effect on wolverine populations.Trapping is the biggest threat to wolverinepopulations in the Dewey linkage. <strong>The</strong>re iscurrently significant trapping pressure on thispopulation.<strong>Conservation</strong> Opportunities<strong>The</strong> Dewey linkage area is publicly owned forthe most part, with large contiguous blocksof great wildlife habitat nearby. <strong>The</strong> publiccommenting process in resource managementplans, forest travel plans, and forestmanagement plans should emphasize wildlifeconnectivity considerations.85

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