The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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winter range is private land on the forest landperiphery. <strong>The</strong>y summer in the central CastleMountains, although it is heavily timbered withlittle forage value. On the west side of theCastle Mountains, Willow Creek to Agate Creek isimportant elk winter range. Elk calving areas arein Checkerboard Creek in the north Castles, andWarm Springs Creek in the south Castles. Elk maypotentially move between the Castles and thenorth end of the Crazy Mountains.Wolves have been reported in the CottonwoodCreek area of the Castles. Linkage area providesa movement corridor between the Castle andCrazy Mountains for wolves.Pronghorn: <strong>The</strong>re is still a lot of sagebrush in theSouth Fork of the Smith River area and there arehigh numbers of pronghorn that use the area inwinter. <strong>The</strong>y often move east-west across Hwy89, west of this linkage.Moose have been observed along the South Forkof the Musselshell River and Alabaugh Creek, andin the Yankee Jim ridge of the Castles.Sage grouse occur here in low numbers. <strong>The</strong>reare several known sage grouse leks to the west ofthe linkage area, west of U.S. Highway 89.<strong>Conservation</strong> OpportunitiesPublic land access for hunting is a one of themost significant game management issues inthis area. <strong>The</strong>re is quite a bit of private land inthe east end of the Castle Mountains, and 85%of the elk are on private land; elk managementis affected. An opportunity exists for managingelk in the southwest corner of the CastleMountains.Lewis and Clark National Forest Travel Plan isdue for revision. <strong>The</strong> central Castle Mountainsare currently roadless; any focus on the forestand private land at the periphery of the roadlessarea is an opportunity.<strong>Conservation</strong> ThreatsDevelopment: Though there are not a lot ofhouses there now, development in the Lenneparea, which is in the center of the movementarea, may funnel animals on either side.Highways: Animals must cross Hwy 294 in thislinkage area, and there is high risk of animalvehiclecollisions.Access to private lands around the CastleMountains is restricted, which limits MontanaFish, <strong>Wildlife</strong> and Parks’ ability to manage gamepopulations. High game population numberscould lead to increased wildlife disease concernsand impact the long-term sustainability ofhabitat.Forest management: <strong>The</strong> central CastleMountains is a roadless area, but nearby privateland and forest land within the Castle Mountainshave been logged.71

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