The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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large range on private land south of Rye Creek.Moose occur in nearly all the riparian drainageswithin this linkage area.<strong>Conservation</strong> ThreatsDevelopment is heavy in the Bitterroot Valleywhich is transforming from logging/agriculturalland base into a bedroom community forMissoula. Currently, land use planning tools arein their beginning phases within Granite Countyand are highly controversial. Many ranchettetypedevelopments occur within this linkagearea.Fencing is an issue impeding wildlife movementthrough the linkage area. <strong>The</strong>re is alsosignificant off-highway vehicle (OHV) use.Invasive weeds, such as spotted knapweedand leafy spurge, have some of the highestinfestation rates in this linkage of anywhere elsein the state.Highway 93 is particularly deadly for wildlifelike Bighorn sheep, which frequently crossingnorth of Darby. Where Rock Creek and LostHorse Creek cross Highway 93, is a hotspotfor animal-vehicle collisions. <strong>The</strong>re are over30,000 commuters a day between Missoula andthe Bitterroot Valley; collision probability ishigh. Furthermore, the presence of high trafficvolumes and road expansion create habitatfragmentation.<strong>Conservation</strong> OpportunitiesHighway 93 would be a great area to promotethe mitigation of wildlife road crossings.<strong>The</strong>re is already support for a commuterhighway project; timing is good for advancingwildlife measures as well. Although GraniteCounty is more conservative regarding landuse regulations, things are slowly changing,and people may be receptive to advancingcollaborative, smart growth practices; there arethree pro-land regulation county commissionersin office. <strong>The</strong> Bitterroot Open Lands board hassome funding available but has not yet begunprojects; it would be beneficial to get thisinformation to them.Land <strong>Conservation</strong>: <strong>The</strong>re is a large ranchbetween Darby and Rye Creek that may beconserved; the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundationis involved in private land conservation in thislinkage area.<strong>The</strong>re may be opportunities to protect riverdrainages in the linkage; these areas arevital for wildlife movement and are currentlyprotected from development because of theirsteep topography. Also, there may be peoplein the Stockman’s Association who could beapproached to discuss “living with wildlife”solutions. <strong>The</strong> valley is ripe for outreach, toeducate the public on small measures that canbenefit wildlife, like containing unattendedpets.55

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