The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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BangtailsSpeciesGeographic Boundary<strong>The</strong> Bangtails linkage area is boundedby the Bridger Mountains on the west,extending into the Shields River Valley,with the towns of Wilsall and Sedanforming the northern boundary. <strong>The</strong>eastern boundary is Highway 89, andthe southern boundary is Interstate 90.This linkage area includes the BangtailMountains and the surrounding foothills.Importance of Linkage <strong>Area</strong><strong>The</strong> Bangtails function as a connectionfor ungulates and carnivores betweenthe Shields River Valley and the southend of the Bridgers and Gallatin Ranges.Mountain ranges connected in thislinkage: Bridgers, Bangtails, andGallatinsEcological Setting<strong>The</strong> Bangtail Mountains have undergoneintensive and widespread timber harvest,which created a high density of networkedroads. <strong>The</strong>re are no large intact foreststands remaining in this linkage. <strong>The</strong>semountains are (were) heavily forestedby Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta),while foothills to the east are moresparsely timbered with Douglas-fir, withmany intervening grasslands and opensagebrush slopes. South-facing slopes atall elevations tend to be less timbered.<strong>The</strong> east side foothills contain a series ofparallel, eastward-flowing drainages thatsupport small streams and riparian habitat.Outside of logging areas, road densitiesare still moderately high. <strong>The</strong> closeproximity to Bozeman results in significantrecreational use, both motorized and nonmotorized,of the Bangtail linkage. Someresidential development has occurredalong the Bridger Canyon road along the52west boundary of the linkage, and alongBrackett Creek on the north boundary.Elevation in the Bangtail linkage rangesfrom about 5,000 feet to over 7,800 feet.<strong>Wildlife</strong>This area primarily functions as amovement corridor for elk as they movebetween summer and winter range.Wolves have been sighted in this linkagearea, particularly in Kelly Canyon.<strong>The</strong> area is full of wild ungulates, andtherefore is attractive to wolves. Althoughthe valley portions of the linkage areopen and have low human population,the social intolerance for carnivoresmay make it difficult for them to travelthrough the linkage.Elk are expanding their numbers,particularly in their winter range, fromthe Bridger Canyon area to BrackettCreek. <strong>The</strong> east side of the Bridgers(thus, the west side of this linkage area)is summer range for elk, particularly PineCreek to Slushman’s Creek. <strong>The</strong> valleyarea on the east side of the linkage area,between Clyde Park and Wilsall is elkwinter range.Pronghorn: <strong>The</strong> entire valley areawithin this linkage is potential pronghornhabitat; they move throughout the ShieldsRiver Valley. <strong>The</strong>re is a very small herdof pronghorn that move between KellyCanyon and Jackson Creek Road.<strong>Conservation</strong> ThreatsConflict: <strong>The</strong>re is social intoleranceof carnivores in this linkage area,particularly in the valley areas wherethere are livestock operators.Highways: Pronghorn are crossingHighway 89 frequently. Currently, there

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