The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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Absaroka to CraziesSpeciesGeographic BoundaryThis linkage area includes the foothillsand valley floor between the south end ofthe Crazy Mountains and the north end ofthe Absaroka Range. <strong>The</strong> east and westsides of this linkage follow the width ofthe Crazy Mountains. Sheep Mountainand Springdale are within this linkagearea, and cross Interstate 90.Importance of Linkage <strong>Area</strong>This linkage area provides connectivityfor local ungulate movement from thefoothills into the higher elevations ofthe Crazy Mountains. <strong>The</strong>re is also eastwestmovement across the foothills intothe Shields River Valley. On a largerscale, this linkage area connects theCrazy Mountains to the Absaroka Range,and south to the Greater YellowstoneEcosystem.Mountain ranges connected in thislinkage: Crazy Mountains, AbsarokaRange.Ecological SettingThis link spans the Yellowstone Riverbelow the mouth of the Shields Riverroughly between Livingston andSpringdale. <strong>The</strong> foothills on eitherside of the Yellowstone are primarilygrasslands with scattered patches ofjuniper (Juniperus scopulorum), limberpine (Pinus flexilis), and Douglas-fir(Pseudotsuga menziesii). Riparian habitatalong the river supports cottonwood(Populus spp), red-osier dogwood (Cornusstolonifera) and willows (Salix spp.)in fairly dense stands. <strong>The</strong> linkageintersects the Yellowstone River corridorin a relatively narrow canyon thatcontains the Yellowstone River, Interstate90, a secondary highway, a major railroad50and two power lines. Irrigated hay land,pasture, and some cropland are present.Several ranches and dispersed residencesare located in the linkage, mostly nearthe Yellowstone River.<strong>Wildlife</strong>Grizzly: <strong>The</strong>re are consistent reports ofgrizzly bears in the Crazy Mountains. Thislinkage area is open country that lackscover and is not ideal for large carnivoremovement. It is, however, considered apotential link for wolverine.Wolves move through Springdale intothe Shields River Valley where preyare numerous. Wolves may come intoconflict with cattle and domestic sheepproduction.Elk: Falls Creek is elk winter range. <strong>The</strong>elk move high into the Crazy Mountains insummer. Also, a large herd uses a privateranch in the Sheep Mountain area.Pronghorn: <strong>The</strong>re is good pronghornhabitat along the south Crazies, mostlyon private land. <strong>The</strong> sagebrush steppe onthe east side of the Crazy Mountains (tothe east of this linkage area) is also veryhigh quality winter range with 200 to 300pronghorn.<strong>Conservation</strong> ThreatsConflict: Montana Fish, <strong>Wildlife</strong> and Parksis limited in its ability to manage/harvestelk on a 40,000 acre private ranch. Also,hunting access to public lands is restrictedby access across private lands in manyplaces around the Gallatin National Forestand Crazy Mountains. Significant elkherds and pronghorn forage on privateagricultural lands. Social acceptance,along with carnivore abatement, may beat issue with domestic sheep producers.

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