The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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<strong>Conservation</strong> ThreatsHuman activities or developments within alinkage that adversely affect the ability ofwildlife to use existing habitat or to movethrough the area are considered to beconservation threats. This includes such thingsas highways and railroads that fragment habitatcontinuity and may be a mortality hazard,subdivisions that remove habitat and increasehuman presence in an area, or high intensityrecreational use or roads that represent enoughsustained disturbance to limit wildlife useof an area. Often these threats may not beindividually severe but in combination withothers, are sufficient to reduce potentialwildlife uses. Those activities or developmentsthat are the most permanent on the landscaperepresent the greatest threats.<strong>Conservation</strong> OpportunitiesOpportunities to conserve habitat throughprivate or public land management actionsare described in this section. <strong>The</strong> focus is onpeople who are living or working in a particularlinkage and are concerned about maintainingor improving wildlife habitat quality andconnectivity. <strong>The</strong> presence of conservationmindedcitizen groups or individuals, nongovernmentalorganizations and partnerships,and state and/or federal agency plans that arefocused on maintaining or improving habitatquality and connectivity is emphasized.Linkage map-This map displays the general area of a linkage, and map labels representsome of the local landmarks for which the linkage is named. Specificwildlife movement corridors within the area are NOT displayed becausethey are variable depending on the wildlife species, and upon weather,seasonal disturbances and many other factors.49

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