The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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Marten (Martes americana)Martens prefer mature conifer and mixed woodforests with deadfall and snags for denning.In Glacier National Park, research shows thatmartens prefer areas containing mesic spruceand subalpine fir. Martens are omnivorous andprefer to eat small mammals such as voles, miceand shrews, but will also eat birds, insects,and fruit. Martens are non-migratory with anaverage home range size of 0.7 km 2 and 2.9 km 2for females and males respectively. Martens area solitary animal except during breeding seasonand when mothers have kits. <strong>The</strong>y are classifiedas a furbearing species and trapping is allowedin some areas.area, or home range, is 7- 40.5 km². Adultbald eagle pairs mate for life and defendnesting territories. In wintertime, eagleswill congregate near open water where fishand waterfowl are abundant. <strong>The</strong> federalgovernment delisted bald eagles from theEndangered Species Act and their managementnow lies under state authority.Black bear (Ursus americanus)Habitat use by black bears is tied to seasonalfood availability. Black bears commonly usedense forests, riparian slopes and avalanchechutes during spring green-up. Other favoredhabitats include stream bottoms, wet meadows,and dry mountain meadows. Black bears areomnivorous. <strong>The</strong>ir diet varies by season andconsists of grasses, sedges, berries, fruits,tree cambium, honey, eggs, carrion, rodents,insects and occasionally ungulates. Black bearsare non-migratory but disperses widely. <strong>The</strong>irhome range size varies from 41.4 - 336.7 km².Black bears are a big game species with harveststrategies that vary by state.Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)Bald eagles prefer conifer or cottonwoodforested areas in close proximity to water.<strong>The</strong>y feed on fish, waterfowl and other birds,small mammals, and carrion. <strong>The</strong>ir huntingPhoto by Tim &Shelley Duggins47

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