The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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Appendix 5 (cont.).Studies Demonstrating the Positive Effects of FragmentationAuthor(s) Article Title EffectBelisle, M. and C.C. St. ClairCumulative effects of barriers on the Fragmentation facilitated themovements of forest birdsmovement of red-breasted nuthatchesSeparating ecological effects of habitatCaley, M.J., K.A. Buckley and B.P.Abundance of trapezid crabs increasedfragmentation degradation and loss onJonesin response to habitat fragmentationcorral commensalsCollins, R.J. and G.W. BarrettMcGarigal, K. and W.C. McCombNeckel-Oliveira, S. and C. GasconTrzcinski, M.K., L.Fahrig and G.MerriamWolff, J.O., W.M. Schuaber and W.D.EdgeEffects of habitat fragmentation onmeadow vole (Microtuspennsylvanicus ) population dynamicsin experiment landscape patchesRelationships between landscapestructure and breeding birds in theOregon coast rangeAbundance, body size and movementpatterns of a tropical tree frog incontinuous and fragmented forests inthe Brazilian AmazonIndependent effects of forest cover andfragmentation on the distribution offorest breeding birdsEffects of habitat loss andfragmentation on the behavior anddemography of gray-tailed volesFemale vole numbers were higher infragmented landscapes than incontinuous landscapesAbundance of birds was higher infragmented landscapes than incontinuous landscapesIncreased movement and increasedinterbreeding occurred betweenfragmented subpopulationsHabitat fragmentation's effects variedby bird species with 2 species showingincreased abundance with increasedhabitat fragmentationGray-tailed vole populations increasedfollowing fragmentation of their habitat206

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