The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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Appendix 4 (cont.).Table 4Dispersal Distances for Mammals of the Northern Rocky Mountains (excluding bats)Group Common Name Scientific NameNatal Dispersal MaximumDistance (km)RatsBushy-tailed woodrat or packratNeotoma cinereaBrown or Norway ratRattus norvegicusBeaver Beaver Castor candensis 40.6 male/femaleMuskrat Muskrat Ondatra zibethicus 3.37 male/femalePorcupine Porcupine Erethizon dorsatumRaccoon Raccoon (exotic) Procyon lotor 265.5 male/femaleCoyote Canis latrans 176.0 male/232.2 femaleCanidsGray wolf C. lupus 432.0 male/79.0 femaleSwift fox Vulpes velox 11.0 male/femaleRed fox Vulpes vulpes 394.5 male/302.0 femaleBearsBlack bear Ursus americanus 225.0 male/28.8 femaleGrizzly bear U. arctos 134.0 male/82.0 femaleFisher Martes pennanti 23 male/22.6 femaleMarten M. americana 61.0 male/femaleLong-tailed weaselMustela frenataWeasels Short-tailed weasel M. erminea 5.6 male/1.0 femaleMink M. vison 45.1 male/45.0 femaleWolverine Gulo gulo 300.0 male/femaleBadger Taxidea taxus 110.0 male/52.0 femaleSpotted skunkSpilogale gracilisStriped skunk Mephitis mephitis 10.1 male/21.7 femaleWeasels,Black-footed ferretMustela nigripescont'dLeast weaselMustela nivalisRiver otter Lontra canadensis 42.0 maleCanada lynx Lynx candensis 90-616FelidsBobcat Lynx rufus 56.0 femaleCougar or mountain lion, puma, panther Puma concolor 274.0 male/155.0 femaleElk or wapiti Cervus canadensis 18.5 male/femaleMule deer Odocoileus hemionus 7.34 male/8.22 femaleWhite-tailed deer O. virginianus or leucuris 11.74 femaleMoose Alces alces 118.0 male/femaleUngulates PronghornAntilocapra americanaBisonBos bisonMountain goatOreamnos americanusBighorn sheepOvis canadensisWoodland CaribouRangifer tarandus caribou(Adapted from Baker et al, 1961; Mathews 2003; Elias 2002; Sutherland et al, 2000; Montana's Official State Website)204

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