The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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Appendix 1.Table 1Mammals of the Northern Rocky Mountains (excluding bats)Group Common Name Scientific NameWater shrewSorex palustrisWandering or Vagrant shrewS. vagransMasked shrewS. cinereusDusky shrewS. monticolusShrews Preble's shrewS. prebleiDwarf shrewS. nanusHayden's shrewS. haydeniMerriam's shrewS. merriamiPygmy shrewS. hoyiCony or PikaOchotona princepsWhite-tailed jackrabbitLepus townsendiiLagomorphsSnowshoe hareL. americanusBlack-tailed jackrabbitL. californicusMountain cottontailSylvilagus nuttalliiPygmy rabbitBrachylagus idahoensisYellow-bellied marmotMarmota flaviventrisMarmots Hoary MarmotM. caligataWoodchuckM. monaxColumbian ground squirrelSpermophilus columbianusRichardson's ground squirrelS. richardsoniUinta ground squirrelS. armatusGolden-mantled ground squirrelS. lateralisIdaho ground squirrelS. brunneusSquirrelsRed tree squirrelTamiascurus hudsonicusEastern gray tree squirrelSciurus griseusBlack-tailed prairie dogCynomys ludovicianusEastern fox squirrelSciurus nigerThirteen-lined ground squirrelSpermophilus tridecemlineatusWyoming ground squirrelSpermophilus elegansFlying tree squirrelGlaucomys sabrinusNorthwestern or Yellow-Pine chipmunk Tamias amoenusChipmunksLeast chipmunkT. minimusRed-tailed chipmunkT. ruficaudusUinta chipmunkT. umbrinusPocket GopherIdaho pocket gopherThomomys idahoensisNorthern pocket gopherThomomys talpoidesWestern harvest mouseReithrodontomys megalotisHouse mouse (exotic)Mus musculusDeer mousePeromyscus maniculatusWestern jumping mouseZapus princepsPennsylvania meadow voleMicrotus pennsylvanicusMiceLong-tailed meadow mouse/voleM. longicaudusMountain meadow mouse/voleM. montanusHeather mouse/volePhenacomys intermediusNorthern bog lemmingSynaptomys borealisNorthern red-backed mouse/voleClethrionomys gapperiNorthern grasshopper mouseOnychomys leucogasterPrairie voleMicrotus ochrogaster197

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