The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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WhitetailSpeciesGeographic BoundaryThis linkage area encompasses thesoutheast section of the BoulderMountains, known as the Bull Mountains.Interstate 15 forms the northern andwestern boundary from the town ofBoulder south to Butte. Interstate 90forms the southern boundary. <strong>The</strong> easternboundary runs along Highway 69 in theBoulder Valley. <strong>The</strong> Continental Divideskirts the southwestern side of thelinkage near Butte. <strong>The</strong> Elk Park Valleylies along the western edge, the WhitetailReservoir and Little Boulder River liewithin the center.Importance of Linkage <strong>Area</strong>On a regional scale, this linkageprovides connectivity for wildlife movingnorth-south along the Continental Dividebetween the Sawtooths (Bob MarshallWilderness) in the North and theuppermost mountain ranges of the HighDivide.Mountain ranges connected in thislinkage: Boulders, Sawtooths (RockyMountain Front), Elkhorns, Highlands,Robert E. Lee Mountains, and BullMountains.Ecological SettingThis linkage includes a wide variety oftopography and vegetation, as well ashuman activities. <strong>The</strong> western part ofthe linkage north of Butte and west ofI-15 includes the upper watershed ofthe Boulder River. <strong>The</strong> area is heavilytimbered by lodgepole (Pinus contorta)and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)forest but with rather widespreadnatural openings and meadows, mostassociated with riparian areas anddrainages. Elk Park, on I-15, is by farthe largest of these meadow complexes,189lying on the Continental Divide justoutside of Butte. It has the reputationof being one of the coldest places inthe region during winter months. Eastof I-15, mountains are quite steepand rugged, and forested with nearlymonotypic stands of lodgepole pine.This area is the northern end of thegranite outcrops and monoliths thatextend southward through HomestakePass and into the Highland Mountainssouth of I-90. Whitetail Creek is a largeopen drainage that bisects the linkagenorth of Whitehall and separates BullMountain from the more mountainousterrain to the west. Bull Mountain isthe watershed divide between WhitetailCreek and the lower Boulder River, andsupports a patchy Douglas-fir forest.Dry grasslands and scattered sagebrush(Artemisia tridentata spp.) habitat inthe Whitetail Creek drainage and onthe east slopes of Bull Mountain reflectthe rain shadow effect of significantlyless precipitation that falls on the eastside of the Continental Divide. <strong>The</strong>Boulder River flows northward in itsheadwaters, turns east above Berniceto flow through Basin and Boulder, thenturns to flow south to its confluence withthe Jefferson River at Cardwell, thusnearly encircling the entire linkage. <strong>The</strong>river supports significant cottonwood(Populus spp.), aspen (P. tremuloides)and willow (Salix spp.) riparian habitatthroughout its length. Timber harvestand road development have occurredarea-wide, but mostly in the west.Significant open pit, underground andplacer mining activity has occurred inthis area. Interstate 15 passes throughthe center of the linkage and I-90 boundsthe linkage on the south. Highway 69follows the Boulder River from Cardwellto Boulder. Irrigated hay land andpasture are present along Whitetail

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