The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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Spanish PeaksSpeciesGeographic BoundaryThis linkage occupies the entire northend of the Madison Range. It extends toHighway 84 on the north, Madison Riverand Beartrap canyon on the west, JackCreek and Big Sky on the south and theGallatin canyon on the east.Importance of Linkage <strong>Area</strong>Spanish Peaks is a large intact tract ofsecure core habitat at the far northwestcorner of the Greater YellowstoneEcosystem. It provides a secure “jumpingoff” site for animals, particularly largecarnivores, expanding out of occupiedhabitat to potential habitats further tothe north and west.Mountain ranges connected in thislinkage: Gallatin Range, Madison RangeEcological Setting<strong>The</strong> Spanish Peaks linkage lies at thenorthern end of the Madison Rangebetween the Gallatin and Madison rivers.<strong>The</strong> area extends from the foothillsagebrush and grasslands along Highway84 to the high alpine habitats and smalllakes amid the Spanish Peaks, north of BigSky Resort. A diverse mix of Douglas-fir(Pseudotsuga menziesii), Rocky Mountainjuniper (Juniperus scopulorum), andlimber pine (Pinus flexilis), along withshrubs such as chokecherry (Prunusvirginiana), skunkbrush (Rhus trilobata),and snowberry (Symphoricarpus alba)are scattered throughout lower elevationfoothills on the north end of the linkage.Mid to upper elevation forests are typicalof the area, with Douglas-fir, lodgepolepine (P. contorta), subalpine fir (Abieslasiocarpa), Engelmann spruce (Piceaengelmannii), and whitebark pine (P.albicaulis) common, depending on thesite. <strong>The</strong> upper half of the linkage in169the Spanish peaks is included in theLee Metcalf Wilderness <strong>Area</strong>, and thewestern boundary is in the BeartrapCanyon Wilderness <strong>Area</strong>. <strong>The</strong> linkageis largely undeveloped, with a primaryaccess road to a public campground andtrailhead in the South Fork of SpanishCreek. Some grassland sagebrush habitatalong Highway 84 has been converted todry land grain crops and pasture lands.Elevations in the linkage range from 5,000feet to over 10,700 feet.<strong>Wildlife</strong>Wolverine: <strong>The</strong> Spanish Peaks area is alarge block of secure occupied wolverinehabitat that is becoming increasinglysurrounded by development, particularlyat Big Sky resort. <strong>The</strong> large size of thelinkage, the relatively low levels ofrecreational use and the presence of largeungulate populations makes this primewolverine habitat.Canada lynx: Persistent reports of lynx inthe North Fork of the West Fork GallatinRiver have not been confirmed, buthabitat is quite suitable to sustain somelynx use.Pine marten and fisher: High numbersof pine marten occur in the linkage inheavy lodgepole forest, and habitat is alsosuitable to support fisher, although theirpresence has not been verified.Grizzly bear: <strong>The</strong> Spanish Peaks area isthe northern extension of occupied grizzlyhabitat in the Madison range. Movementinto the Tobacco Root Mountains tothe west would likely pass through thishabitat.Wolf: Wolves have become wellestablishedin the linkage and the MadisonValley just to the southwest. At least twopacks have utilized part of this linkageuntil they succumbed to lethal control

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