The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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Pronghorn utilize uplands on the western sideof the Tobacco Roots yearlong, and during thesummer on the Highland side of the linkage.Mule deer winter use occurs on the west sidebetween Hells Canyon and Cherry Creek, and onthe east side between Point of Rocks and MillCreek.Elk yearlong use occurs in the upper HellsCanyon area with seasonal, mostly winter useand calving, occurring northward through FishCreek.Mountain lion and black bear are present areawidewherever elk and mule deer use occurs.Bighorn sheep summer use occurs on Big Ridgeabove Hells Canyon, at the far southwest end ofthis linkage.Bald eagles and osprey: Cottonwood habitatsin the river corridor support numerous ospreynesting territories and yearlong bald eagle use,including at least two nesting territories.River otter and beaver are present in theJefferson River and Hells Canyon Creek.<strong>Conservation</strong> ThreatsResidential development is increasingthroughout the Jefferson Valley and adjoiningfoothills between Whitehall and Twin Bridges.Most subdivision pressure has been on the FishCreek flats north of Silver Star, and along theJefferson River between Silver Star and IronrodBridge.Energy corridor development: A 500 kV powerline is proposed for construction along the westside of the Jefferson Valley through BulldogMountain and Hells Canyon. This representsa potential collision/mortality hazard formigrating birds and waterfowl. Roads: Highway41 is a heavily-used shortcut for traffic from I-15at Dillon to I-90 at Whitehall, and significantnumbers of wildlife/vehicle collisions areoccurring. Heavy ATV use is occurring in thenorthwestern corner of the linkage, particularlyaround Toll Mountain.<strong>Conservation</strong> Opportunities<strong>Conservation</strong> planning: <strong>The</strong> Jeffersonwatershed committee has been organized toaddress water quality issues in the JeffersonRiver. <strong>The</strong>y are considering other issues suchas subdivisions and road management asopportunities arise.Land use planning: MFWP has identified thisas a priority linkage area for conservation.Madison County has been responsive toconservation needs in the Madison Valley, andsimilar land use planning and developmentshould be emphasized in the Jefferson and RubyValleys. <strong>The</strong> Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF travelplanning process will be designating open travelroutes. <strong>The</strong> B-D Forest Plan has recommendedwilderness designation for the Table Mountainarea in the northwest Highlands.Land ownership changes: Many propertiesare being purchased for recreation andconservation, rather than production purposes,so new landowners represent a potential sourceof conservation support.Reducing highway mortalities: Highwaysigning and potential crossing projects should bepursued to reduce vehicle collisions and wildlifemortality.165

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