The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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Mountain goats exist in small pockets in theBirdtail Hills and Flat Creek (Birch Creek).<strong>Conservation</strong> ThreatsDevelopment is big threat on the southernedge of the Rocky Mountain Front, over thenorth boundary of this linkage. Highway 424 toInterstate 15, the Dearborn River, Craig, and WolfCreek are particularly prone to development;especially near Wolf Creek, development couldinfringe on ungulate winter range.Highways: Interstate 15 is a threat for animalvehiclecollisions, particularly for elk and bighornsheep.Conflict has been occurring between alfalfagrowers and the elk and mule deer. <strong>The</strong>re aremany hobby farms along the Missouri River in thesoutheast part of the linkage which increase riskof livestock- wildlife conflict.Sanitation is an issue in the Missouri Rivercorridor; apple trees in developed areas areattracting bears.Disease transmission is a threat between wildbighorn sheep, mountain goats, and domesticsheep.Genetic inbreeding may be a problem forbighorn sheep in this linkage; the populationstems from two transplanted ewes. Geneticinbreeding can decrease the likelihood of longterm herd viability.<strong>Conservation</strong> Opportunities<strong>Conservation</strong> easements at the southern endof the Rocky Mountain Front, where it meetsthe “<strong>Hub</strong>”- in the region of Haystack Butte toHighway 200, would be fantastic for preservingthe integrity of wildlife connectivity betweenthe <strong>Hub</strong> and the Northern Continental Divideecosystem. In particular, easements that couldbe procured north of Holter and Wolf Creekwould especially benefit bighorn sheep and elk.<strong>Conservation</strong> around the Birdtail Hills to Highway434 would be desirable for bighorn sheep.152

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