The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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Garnets to BouldersSpeciesGeographic Boundary<strong>The</strong> Garnets to Boulders linkage areaencompasses the valley between theFlint Creek Range and the BoulderMountains. <strong>The</strong> north boundary is parallelto Highway 12 until it meets I-90, andthen across the valley and south end ofthe Garnets to the Flint Creek Range.<strong>The</strong> town of Avon is along the northeastboundary, the Boulder Mountains formthe east boundary. Deer Lodge is inthe center of the south boundary, andthe Flint Creek Range forms the westboundary. Both the Little Blackfoot Riverand the Upper Clark Fork River are [inpart] within this linkage area.Importance of Linkage <strong>Area</strong><strong>The</strong> Garnets to Boulders linkage areaprovides connectivity via two majorriver drainages between three mountainranges. Animals moving west fromthe Continental Divide in the BoulderMountains must cross this linkage area toreach other mountainous habitats.Mountain ranges connected in thislinkage: Boulder Mountains, the GarnetsRange, and the Flint Creek Range.Ecological SettingThis linkage occupies the Clark ForkRiver valley and foothills between DeerLodge and the confluence with the LittleBlackfoot River at Garrison Junction.This is an area of open grasslandsand scattered patches of Douglas-fir,(Pseudotsuga menziesii), limber pine(Pinus flexilis), and Rocky Mountainjuniper (Juniperus scopulorum). Spottedknapweed (Centaurea stoebe), aninvasive noxious weed is well establishedin the linkage. Small stringers ofwillow (Salix spp.) and aspen (Populus103tremuloides) and cottonwood (Populusspp.) riparian habitat follow streamcourses tributary to the Clark ForkRiver. Much of the river bottom riparianhabitat along the Clark Fork River hasbeen altered or removed by agriculturalpractices, and railroad and highwayconstruction. Interstate 90 follows theClark Fork River corridor, with Highway12 and a railroad following the LittleBlackfoot River. A major power linecorridor, gravel mining operations,irrigated hay fields and yearlong ranchoperations along the Clark Fork havefragmented habitat in the linkage.Expanding subdivision and residentialdevelopment is occurring in the heart ofthe Garnets to Boulders linkage, centeredon Beck Hill. <strong>The</strong> average elevation isabout 4800 feet.<strong>Wildlife</strong>This area currently functions as a northsouthmovement corridor for grizzly bearand wolves.<strong>The</strong> Clark Fork River corridor in the northend of the Garnets to Boulders linkagearea is thought to be important for grizzlybear in late summer and fall. A grizzlybear was killed here in 1980. This is a keylinkage area located between the GarnetMountains and the John Long Mountains.Garrison to Avon Creek has high potentialfor grizzly bear connectivity. A tightcanyon between Avon and Garrison crossesHighway 12 and is potentially importantfor grizzly bear movement. This areaprovides connectivity for bears betweenthe east Garnets and the Boulders. <strong>The</strong>south end of the Avon Valley and LittleBlackfoot River area are also importantgrizzlyconnectivity.<strong>The</strong>re are verified reports of grizzly alongthe ridgeline between Spotted Dog and

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