The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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GallatinsSpeciesGeographic Boundary<strong>The</strong> Gallatin linkage includes all of theGallatin Range, extending from theGallatin River on the west to the northernfoothills south of Bozeman, to Livingstonand along the western side of theParadise Valley to the north side of TomMiner basin.Importance of Linkage <strong>Area</strong>This linkage is a large intact tract ofsecure core habitat at the northwestcorner of the Greater YellowstoneEcosystem. It provides a secure“jumping-off” site for animals,particularly large carnivores, expandingout of occupied habitat to potentialhabitats further to the north and west.Combined with the Tom Miner Basinlinkage, the Gallatin Range encompassall of the flagship wildlife values forwhich the GYE is noted, as well as all theconflicts with those values from humandevelopment and management.Mountain ranges connected in thisGallatin Range linkage: Absaroka Range,Madison Range, and Spanish PeaksEcological Setting<strong>The</strong> Gallatin linkage encompasses anexpansive mountainous area between theYellowstone River south of Livingston andthe upper Gallatin River valley northwestof Yellowstone NP. <strong>The</strong> lower northeastcorner of the linkage is bisected by theYellowstone River and Highway 89, wherethey pass through the narrow canyonat the north end of the Paradise Valley.<strong>The</strong> area is broadly forested by Douglasfir(Pseudotsuga menziesii), lodgepolepine (Pinus contorta) with Engelmannspruce (Picea engelmannii), subalpine fir(Abies lasiocarpa) and whitebark pine (P.albicaulis) present depending on aspect100and elevation. Willow (Salix spp.) andaspen (Populus tremuloides) riparianareas, large wet meadow complexes,and open parks and high elevationgrasslands are intermixed with forestedareas. Timber harvest has occurred inthe western and northern portions of thelinkage using a moderate density roadnetwork, and several main access routesfurther fragment the linkage. <strong>The</strong> TrailCreek road bisects the northeast corner ofthe linkage between I-90 and the ParadiseValley. <strong>The</strong> northern part of the linkageadjoins the Gallatin Valley at Bozeman,and foothill areas on private lands arewidely developed with residences,subdivisions and some agriculturallands. This area, as well as most of thelinkage, also sustains significant yearlongrecreation use. Elevations in the linkagerange from about 5,000 feet in the lowerYellowstone and near Bozeman to over10,000 feet in several locations.<strong>Wildlife</strong>Wolverine: <strong>The</strong> Gallatins is a strongholdof secure habitat for wolverines that isbecoming increasingly surrounded bydevelopment, particularly at Big Skyresort and in the Paradise Valley. <strong>The</strong>large size of the linkage and the presenceof large ungulate populations as a foodsource makes this prime wolverinehabitat.Canada lynx: Some quality habitat ispresent particularly in the north half ofthe linkage but occupancy is spotty andundocumented.Grizzly bear: <strong>The</strong> linkage is occupiedhabitat but habitat quality is variable.Eightmile Creek to Wineglass Creekappears to be a high use area.Wolf: <strong>The</strong>re is at least one resident wolf

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