Voice Case History Form - University of Central Florida

Voice Case History Form - University of Central Florida

Voice Case History Form - University of Central Florida


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COMMUNICATION DISORDERS CLINICAUTHORIZATION TO VIDEO TAPE, AUDIO TAPE, PHOTOGRAPHAND/OR OBSERVEThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Florida</strong>’s Communication Disorders Program, in addition to providingservices to the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> community, functions as a training clinic for graduate students inthe Communication Disorders Program. The <strong>Florida</strong> Alliance for Assistive Services andTechnology (FAAST) also provides similar training and supervision in conjunction with the<strong>University</strong> Communication Disorders program. Because <strong>of</strong> this, you may encounter certainsituations in the clinic that you might not be exposed to in another treatment setting.In order for the student clinician to receive thorough supervision, it may be necessary for theclinician to tape (Audiotape and Videotape) the sessions. In addition, there is a one-way mirrorin each therapy room, and an observation room adjoining. From time to time, the studentclinician’s session may be observed by the supervisor or by other student clinicians. At times,video and audio tape(s) may be used for educational purposes.A fully qualified pr<strong>of</strong>essional supervises each client’s program at the Clinic. Graduate Studentsmay be assigned to work with certain clients. A qualified faculty member, however, will beresponsible for the pr<strong>of</strong>essional services. This pr<strong>of</strong>essional will supervise, counsel and direct theclinical activities.In hereby authorize clinical personnel from the [ ] Communication Disorders Clinic and/or [ ]FAAST to video tape, audio tape, photograph, and/or observe clinical sessions for.(Client’s name)DateSignature <strong>of</strong> ClientSignature <strong>of</strong> Parent/Guardian4

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