Port of Helsingborg Magazine Winter/Spring 2005 - Helsingborgs ...

Port of Helsingborg Magazine Winter/Spring 2005 - Helsingborgs ...

Port of Helsingborg Magazine Winter/Spring 2005 - Helsingborgs ...


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Global meeting place beside <strong>Port</strong> OfficeOnly the most parochial <strong>Helsingborg</strong>er could seriously maintainthat <strong>Helsingborg</strong> is the hub <strong>of</strong> the globe. But – maybethe assertion is not totally wrong. IKEA has now moved into<strong>Helsingborg</strong>’s old sugar works, and the works’ location waspartly instrumental inIKEA’s decision to place its global,employee meeting place in the port <strong>of</strong> <strong>Helsingborg</strong>.The building from the south-west.The building from the north-west.The building that once was Sweden’smost modern sugar factory is againright at the cutting edge. But the façadedoesn’t give any clear hints as to whatgoes on inside. Anyone who has becomeused to seeing huge IKEA signsalong motorways will probably passthis building without giving a secondthought to who owns it.“This is an in-house meeting placefor our co-workers.We want shoppersto go toour store and not come hereby mistake,” says Charlotte Lindgren,press <strong>of</strong>ficer for the IKEA group.“Everything in the building is veryIKEA.Ofcourse, the furnitureis fromour own range, but regular visitors toIKEA willalso recognise the elements<strong>of</strong> form.Take the unexpected solutions.Which other company,for example,has aliving room with magazines,TV and musicfor its employees?Andwhere else would the founder’s conceptsbe printed on the inside <strong>of</strong> thelavatory doors?”Ameeting placeThe sugar works is an in-houseventure. With 84, 000 co-workers allaround the globe, thereis aconsiderableneed toconduct meetings,courses,conferences, product presentationsand the like. According toCharlotteLindgren, there was previously nonatural location for such events.Thisbuilding has therefore been renovatedand furnished for the purpose <strong>of</strong>facilitating-and generating -personalmeetings.“The ideahas worked. By just beingin the building you meet any number<strong>of</strong> people,” she says. “In practice, thefocus on meetings involves severaldifferentthings.As soonas you comeintothe 60 metre high, 15 metre wide, 22metrehigh entrancehall, thereare s<strong>of</strong>aswaiting.The kitchen is one<strong>of</strong> the hubs<strong>of</strong> the building, whereeveryonemeetsfor morning c<strong>of</strong>fee. In the afternoons,breaks are taken in smaller kitchenson each fl oor – but preferably not atdesks. N obody has an <strong>of</strong> fi ce <strong>of</strong> theirown,not even grouppresident AndersD ahlvig when he is here instead <strong>of</strong>atthe head <strong>of</strong> fi ce in the N etherlands.H ehas a desk in the communicationsdepartment.”

“Green Egersund” at its berth in the Skåne Terminal.Christmas brings clementines–or is it vice versa?Whichever it is, the fi rstcargo <strong>of</strong> clementines hasbeen unloaded in the <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Helsingborg</strong>.A sure sign <strong>of</strong> ChristmasThe 2004/<strong>2005</strong> fruit season hasbegun in the <strong>Port</strong> In line with tradition,the season starts with the arrivalin <strong>Helsingborg</strong> <strong>of</strong>masses <strong>of</strong> sweet,juicy clementines from Morocco. Thisseason started with the shipping <strong>of</strong>containers that were unloaded fromUnifeeder’s vessel “Kalina” in theWest Harbour for onward transportto a warehouse where the containerswere“stripped”,i.e. emptied. After thePlant ProtectionService, whichis part<strong>of</strong> the Swedish Board <strong>of</strong>Agriculture,hadcarried out its control and declaredthe fruit to be <strong>of</strong>prime quality, thepallets <strong>of</strong> clementines could bemovedto waiting trucks for transport on towholesalers and shops. In good timefor “Lucia Day”on13 December, thefi rst directly calling,conventional vessel“Green Egersund”arrived and unloadedabout 1millionkilos for Sweden’sChristmas trade. More clementinesarrived continuously into the <strong>Port</strong>,so there was no lack <strong>of</strong> these vitaminboosters.The big wholesalers in Swedenthat ship fruit to <strong>Helsingborg</strong> arewell known trademarks such as ICA,SABAand Lime Frukt &Grönt in theSwedish Everfresh Group.The fruit is loaded for transport on to wholesalers7

Every Friday, one <strong>of</strong> SCA Transforest’s ships “Obbola”, “Ortviken” or “Östrand” calls atRoRo cargo from Rotterdam and to Sundsvall. Scandinavian Shipping Agencies clear thDuring her maiden voyage, “Bow <strong>Spring</strong>” called at <strong>Helsingborg</strong>’s Bulk Harbour to load 10,500tonnes <strong>of</strong> sulphuric acid for Kemira Kemi. The cargo was shipped on to Beaumont in the USAand Sundship cleared the vessel.Below: The 190 m long “Vega Eternity” called at the West Harbour in February and unloaded 12,000 tonnes <strong>of</strong> wood pellets from Halifax in Canada for Öresundskraft.Citadel Shipping cleared the vessel.8

the Skåne Terminal to unload and loade ships.Above: Operation on quay in connection to an Unifeeder call.In October, “Szczecin” loaded aluminium sulphate for Alu Fluor.The cargo was sent from the Skåne Terminal to Safi inMorocco. Sundship cleared the vessel.9

New experience onferries to OsloDFDS Seaways’ two shipsthat sail the Copenhagen-<strong>Helsingborg</strong>-Oslo route havebeen totally refurbished.There are several newrestaurant concepts, andchildren <strong>of</strong> all ages now havemore to occupy themselveswith while onboard.Since the beginning <strong>of</strong> February passengershave been able to witness theresult <strong>of</strong> amajor investment.The renovation<strong>of</strong>”Crown <strong>of</strong>Scandinavia”and“Pearl<strong>of</strong>Scandinavia”has cost DFDSSeaways SEK120 million. It is still tooearly to draw any definite conclusionsabout the commercial outcome, butpreliminary figures indicate that thechanges are appreciated.“There is great interest in DFDSSeaways in Denmark and Norwayand alot <strong>of</strong> people want to see whatwe are doing. In February, we alreadyhad a13 per cent passenger increasefrom February 2004,” says Jes Svare,MD for DFDS Seaways in Sweden.According toSvare, it was high timePearl <strong>of</strong>Scandinavia in the <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Helsingborg</strong>the line was developed. “It had beenmany years since the ships, and theonboard ex perience, had undergoneany changes.So weperformed amajorcustomer survey and its findings havebeen behind the alterations.”R estaurants for all tastesThe old cafeteria has gone. In itsplace you will find ” B ake’nC<strong>of</strong>fee”for c<strong>of</strong>fees and snacks.The “ L atitudeCaf é ”is also new, where passengerscan order a simple pasta dish inanHall &Guest Service Centre10

informal atmosphere. “Explorers’” is anew restaurant wheredifferent themeswillbearranged. InApril,for example,there willbeaHans ChristianAndersentheme. At the exclusiveend <strong>of</strong> thescale,DFDS has created “MarcoPolo”,which <strong>of</strong>fers two six-course menuswith excellent wines –and anyonewho simply wants aglass <strong>of</strong> really finewine can choose the “Red &WhiteWine Bar”. This will probably makeabig impact with wine tastings forconference passengers. The “7 Seas”buffet restaurant and the classic àlacarte restaurant “Blue Riband” bothremain as before.Something for every childO ne thing that the survey showedwas that there was not enough forchildren between 8 and 1 6 todo.Thereare thereforenow three differentchildren’s concepts.“K id’z Club”is forthe youngest,“Adventure Club” is forchildren who,for example, want to joinin water games,and “ Y outh @ Club”is amodern internet caf é with everythingthat the surfing generation needs.Better than expectedBy changing the image <strong>of</strong> the ships,DFDS Seaways now puts more focuson certain target groups. People over35 who want a two day break with ameasure <strong>of</strong>luxury make up an importantgroup.“Even before the refurbishment,people werepleasantly surprised whenRed &White Wine Barthey stepped onboard. They did notexpect things to be as good as theywere.That’s no disadvantage,<strong>of</strong> course,but we want to tell people what it’sreally like and so wearealsochangingthe way we communicate. We will beputting more emphasis on q uality,”says J es Svare.New head <strong>of</strong> stevedoringFedrik Åsare and Rolf SvenssonO n1March this year,Rolf Svenssonwas succeeded by Fredrik Å sareas head <strong>of</strong> stevedoring in the <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Helsingborg</strong>. Rolf has held differentpositions in the <strong>Port</strong> for almost 40years,<strong>of</strong> whichmany havebeen as head<strong>of</strong> stevedoring.During the remainder<strong>of</strong> his employment before retirementhe will be pro ject leader for the development<strong>of</strong> the new Combiterminal.Fredrik was taken on as operationsmanager in May 2001, and we wishhim luck inhis new post in charge <strong>of</strong>the stevedoring operation.11

<strong>Port</strong> fi rst in Sweden with newbuilding methodThe <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Helsingborg</strong>’sCombiterminal is the fi rstmajor building project to usenew ground strengtheningtechnology.This gives betterbearing capacity and involves,during the building phase,lower costs as well as fewerenvironmental effects.The new Combiterminal in winter attireThe new technology is based onthe material on site being used. Theexistingmaterialis mixed withcementor chalk and the result is acement-likepanel.“We put tough demands on theCombiterminal. It’s aquestion <strong>of</strong>28,000 squaremetres on which wearein fact putting a“lid”, and this has tocope withanaxle load<strong>of</strong>120-130 tonnes,”explainsPeter Fagander, technicaldirector at the <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Helsingborg</strong>.From the point <strong>of</strong> view <strong>of</strong> bearingcapacity, the technology has positiveeffects.“Traditionally, s<strong>of</strong>t materials havebeen used for this type <strong>of</strong> work, suchasgravel, which has a tendency to settle.The pressure exerted packs the material.Instead, wenow have one metre<strong>of</strong> rigid covering that will not subsideor deform at all.”The method has been developedby PEAB but has not been usedextensively in Sweden. In Europe,however, there is <strong>of</strong>ten a shortage <strong>of</strong>gravel materials,and solutions suchasthis are more common. The groundstrengthening technology means infact that the <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Helsingborg</strong> hasnot had toexcavate existing materialfor the building <strong>of</strong> the Combiterminal.Removal<strong>of</strong>materialhas thus not beennecessary, which would otherwisehavemeant considerable volumes beingtransported through <strong>Helsingborg</strong>.“This method is therefore bothcheaper and more environmentallyfriendly.Costs will also be lower inthe long term. We would have had toadjust anormal surfaceafter about fi veyears because <strong>of</strong> setting,” says PeterFagander.The Combiterminal is being builtadjacent to the West Harbour. It willbe ready for useduring the summer <strong>of</strong><strong>2005</strong>,after which the <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Helsingborg</strong>and Cargo Net (formerly Rail-Combi) will move their operations tothe terminal. The Combiterminal is amajor ventureand it willbecomeahubfor transshipment <strong>of</strong> goods betweentruck, rail and ship.Loading truck, rail12

Container traffic in the <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Helsingborg</strong>increased by 18per cent in 2004 compared tothe previous year.This increaseis well above the globalaverage.One <strong>of</strong> many explanations isthe fruit traffic. <strong>Helsingborg</strong>isstill the largest port <strong>of</strong> entryinto Scandinavia for fruit, withnearly all <strong>of</strong> it now coming incontainers.Citrus from MarocStill most fruit to <strong>Helsingborg</strong> –but now it comes in containersThis growthhas been very rapid. In2000,13 per cent <strong>of</strong> the fruit came tothe <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Helsingborg</strong>incontainers.Just four years later,in 2004,containertransport <strong>of</strong> fruit counted for 94 percent. According toKjell-Åke Ranft<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Helsingborg</strong>’s sales department,thereare several reasons forthis change.“The shipping companies are adrivingforce.The big,overseas companieshave an ever increasing refrigeratedcapacity on their container vessels.The really big ships now have the samerefrigerated capacity for containers asaconventional refrigerated vessel,andthe shipping companies have thereforeaddressed the fruit industry and <strong>of</strong>feredthe chance to ship fruit in containers,”he says.I mproved logisticsIt’s logical that the fruit industrytook up the <strong>of</strong>fer. C ontainer freightallows them tooptimise their transportfl ow. W hereas they used tohave to fi ll awhole vessel withfruit on pallets, theycan now ship smaller volumes <strong>of</strong> fruiton amore fre q uent basis.This meansthat storage costs,both fi nancialas welldirect warehousing costs,are reduced.“They canorder ‘just in time’, whichis morecost-effective,” says Kjell-ÅkeRanft.M ore types <strong>of</strong> goods in contai -nersF ruit is far from uniq ue. It is justfollowing the general trend in theshipping trade.“ E verything points to containerisationcontinuing,withanincreasein thenumber <strong>of</strong> different goods involved.E ven low valuegoods whichit was said10 years ago would never beloaded incontainers. In future, all goods thatcan be containerised will probably beshipped by container,”KjellÅke Ranftbelieves.Containerhandling in the West Harbour13

<strong>Port</strong> VisitMr Mats Nilsson, Mrs Cecilia Hjorth and Mrs LenaBorg from Wilson Logistics AB visited the <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Helsingborg</strong> with Mr Sten Ramel and Mr GöranAndrén from Scandinavian Airlines.At the end <strong>of</strong> December2004, adelegation fromindustrial companies inChina visited the <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Helsingborg</strong>. Kjell-ÅkeRanft (4th from the right,top row) explained the<strong>Port</strong>’s operations andtook the group onaguided tour.In connection with the fi rst shipment <strong>of</strong> clementines, MadameNaima Belbaly from the Maroc Fruit Board (MFB) inCasablancavisited the <strong>Port</strong>.On 1December, Michael Sköld from DFDS Transport in Göteborg visited the<strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Helsingborg</strong>.14

Agents for <strong>Port</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Helsingborg</strong>Telephone TelefaxBelgium : Sundman, Brussel, Belgium + 32 (2) 345 76 90 + 32 (2) 345 76 90England: Eurolist International Ltd., London, England + 44(20) 7387 7300 + 44 (20) 7387 7304Latvia : SIA LJS Hanza Ltd, Riga, Latvia. + 371 (7) 830 059 + 371 (7) 322 464Russia : In fl ot JSC, St. Petersburg, Russia + 7(812) 251 27 48 + 7(812) 251 85 09USA: Transmar Ltd, Tiburon, California, USA. 1 (415) 435 5833 + 1(415) 435 5835Sweden: Möller Christer, Gothenburg, Sweden + 46 (31) 524 969E-mail: port<strong>of</strong>helsingborg @ cmoller.netShipping Companies, Shipbrokers and Liner AgentsCompany: Telephone: Telefax: Shipowners and lines:+46 +46Alianca Sweden 31 755 44 20 31 755 44 30 ALIANCAAPL Sweden AB 31 778 62 00 31 701 05 08 APLAseco AB 031 743 7700 031-774 1205 MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY, DELMASCitadel Shipping AB 42 13 90 75 4213 99 29 ERIK THUN ABCMA CGM Sweden 42 220850 42 222355 CMA, CGM-THE FRENCH LINESConCarrier AB 42 14 77 90 42 14 99 75 CONTAINERSHIPSDasena Agencies AB 31 60 49 80 31701 79 42 DSRDFDS Seaways 42 266000 42 2424 77 DFDS SEAWAYSEimskip Transport AB 42 17 55 00 42 219462 EIMSKIP, RMS, SPLIETHOFF, NAVIMAR, SINOTRANSGeorg Hansen Shipping AB 31 704 1400 31 704 1401 HANJINGlobalTrans 42 2425 30 42 2425 32 CHINA SHIPPING, CONTAINER LINES, BROINTERMED,TROPICAL SHIPPING, MARUBA SCAGreenship Sweden AB 42 2101 10 42 2121 30 EVERGREENHamburg Süd Norden AB 31 755 44 00 31755 44 41 HAMBURG SÜD, COLUMBUS LINE, ELLERMANHansa Shipping AB 31 1783 40 31711 00 15 CHIPOL BROK, CORAL CONT. LINE, TRANSCARGOHapag-Lloyd Sweden AB 42 248180 42 2429 49 HAPAG LLOYDHH-Ferries 42 2680 00 42 281070 HH-FERRIESHillerström Shipping AB 42 12 0130 42 12 0130Hyundai Merchant Marine(Scandinavia AB) 31 704 8100 31 704 8190 HYUNDAIJoship AB 42 12 0510 42 2121 83 COMARIT, SEATRADE/SCALDIS, CSAV, BS-LINE,STAVANGERSK/MÖRERUTENE, NORASIA”K” Line (Sweden) AB 42 12 3370 42 14 99 49 K-LINELindholm Shipping AB 42 12 6090 42 13 47 77 FINNLINES, LAURITZEN COOL, FORTUM SHIPPING,NORTH WESTERN FLEET, KURSIU LINIJA, HERNING SHIPPINGMaersk Sverige AB 31 726 85 00 31 726 84 04 MAERSK SEALANDMaritime Transport &Agencies 31720 39 00 31 720 39 50 CP-SHIPSMelship AB 42 13 7320 42 13 7410 BULCON, BONYAD, CAMAFRICA, COLUMBIA EXPRESS, OPDR,SLOMAN-NEPTUN, CARIBBEAN EXPRESS SERVICE, CCNI, TECOLINES, VAN UDEN RORO, COMANAV, GULF CONRO LINE, X-PRESS CONTAINER LINEMorgan Wedlin &Son AB 42 19 34 60 42 219772 UNIFEEDER, WEC LINES, HOLLAND-MAAS, YEMEN GULFLINE, ANL/NSCSAMOL (Europe) Nordic 031 335 05 55 MOLMSC Sweden AB 42 3874 20 42 3874 01 MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANYNYK Line (Europe) Ltd. 42 37 04 90 42 14 20 62 NIPPON YUSEN KABUSHIKI KAISHAOverseas Liner Agency AB 31 743 0183 31711 23 05 YANG MINGPenta Shipping AB 31 1299 00 31 24 4646 COSCOP&O Nedlloyd Ltd. 31 65 63 00 31 22 66 20 P&O NEDLLOYD7Cs -Seven Seas Shipping AB 31 335 02 80 31335 02 90 MOLScandlines AB 42 18 60 00 42 18 74 10 SCANDLINESScandinavian Shipping Agencies(Sweden) AB 42 219027 42 2121 30 LLOYD TRIESTINO DI NAVIGAZIONE S.P.A.Scanway-Shipping AB 42 14 03 01 4212 7459 CEYLON SHIP CORP, CIE MARITIME- ZAIROISE, COLUMBUSLINE, EGYPTIAN NAV CO, MONTEMAR, PAKISTAN NAT SHIPCORP, PTDJAKARTA LLOYD, SUDAN SHIP LINE, APPENSHIPSOL Lines AB 31 354 40 00 31354 40 01 SWEDISH ORIENT LINES, SOLNIVER LINES, POLE-VANT, TRANSATLANTIC SOUTHERN AFRICA SERVICESSundsbussarna AB 42 2160 60 42 2166 43 MOLTZAU LINESundship 42 385220 42 12 3580 Auth. <strong>Port</strong> Agents Specialized in tank, bulk and dry cargo tonnageThun Selfunloader 42 12 7995 4213 99 29 THUNBOLAGETTransweco AB 42 19 32 08 4219 32 08 ATLANTICARGOTT-Line 410 56 000 410 56 290 TT-LINEUnited Arab Agencies AB 42 14 03 01 4212 7459 UNITED ARAB SHIPPING COMPANYVan Ommeren Sweden AB 31 8179 00 31 814429 ZIM, KNSL15

Cruise Calls <strong>2005</strong>Date Time Ship22 May 09.00-16.00 “Black Prince”30 May 11.30-15.00 “Minerva II”7 July 08.00-14.00 “Sea Princess”10 August 08.00-18.00 “Hebridean Spirit”11 August 08.00-17.00 “Constellation”3 September 09.00-13.00 “Arion”8September 08.00-17.00 “Constellation”Tryck: Koloriten, Hbg16

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