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years, ,)ef ,7)re this Irib ,It vi-1c cl iainulse struck you:.1Door country and I vms too poor to cone here.Zou were more able to coTfr when the iwbulse struck you?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- It took you sixteen ye'lrs to 4et out o -1' Arkansas?A.- Yes, sir,fl lou onme here to rejoin the Tribe; you found the tribe;why didn't you. assert your ri*ts as tribesman, inste4of ipin,74 on najin7 rent; you were not much better off thanyou were in ATrk2nsas, were you?A.- I can hardly tell, jut eJ:actly.You certadrly know rhether you crIme here qnd b!lid rant.A.- i ddn't orn a rlace at that tiaR; S had to rent,youQ.-your ey:r1Dation;,. ..TA here and you could not grt•a -lace .7.xid you hasd to rent aad you hal to coIltiue toA.- yes,rent for seven years?Q.- Th.ni.t I your nnsrer?A. Yer7, sir.Q.- Don't you, know th5.1.t it is f f et that if a ,:nn w ,t, a memberof the Cickare)r• Tribe, he couTA. -To n.nd tn,ke rfosw -,,sionof this rich 19..nd and rent it out to no-citL.7ien3 1d etfrom Thirty six hundred to Four Th..usand Dollars for :11 .t?Do't you know that to he a fact?A.- No, sir.Q. - 7.Dn'tyou know that to be a fact?A.- No, sir.Q. You 1,Lno7 scq-e neolle that have no claIld iL all, clainithisland?was not adle to get any of it.Q.- lou remained here seven yeirs before you 11.--,11 of ariy?A.- Yes, air.

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