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s9.yA .-7hcy':hey Vlore anyt , recuiax !I,bout him to Ji7A:allthe tribeor favily of InAis they :i.escended from?lookei Toh like the CLootaTs Chickas77s of thisCoutry, since ' have come here and !lot familiar withthe Iniians; they w.s copper .:or,)red; he was particular ly,Lore so tlian children. He as lark as p„ny man inthis house -,hat I see; he was more of a red. caste thanany rrixa I. sec.0 - Do you know 7hetter he spoke the Choctaw LanL, $L.- spoke something anJ said it was CS,oct.9.1• he claimed her‘ooiTI .7)( -2-k both.A.- 12joctac and Chierl,sq, , .Q.- i i you hear 7:im?I 1.,-Are heIrd him .remember them nor.thinpn tut I on't know that I canCan you p eJ. Choctnx yournelf?_ 1 w a few words in Choct9727 or Cic1ascw, just a few vords,but they are so sc-.tterin, that I could, not give thrT, sir.'Did you ever hear any member of the Aske7 TNTwhj, iistinct tribe they had lescenieJ?Mr. Cornish; 'Lat is tile same question over .jutT. Adams; Note the objection.They clatmeJ to be Choctaw inirms.'Mr. Norman;- Is Aaron Askew (lea(A.- Yes, sir.Q.- Is Murrill dead?A.- I su7rose 20.I)ly state from

Q And Ton!?A.- Yes, sir.Q. Mr. LAvlison, what w-z feeling socially in that country,ka ickIt xmaakr ;T towrds parties L. were of thdian Blood,It was not very gpoi; it was thrown up to jlem in schoollike we would to a yellow boy or a mulatto; it is not populn:rto be an IndiPsi in Alr-lb9mQ.- Co you know whether it wn.s U.Me'a a7ninst Mron Askew, thathe was an Liiiirtn, when he ra.n for office.i don't remefAber just about this office business; I hrtveseen him collecting times, to you,,that it ur7d him onto run for office?Q. No, that it was urger r19t him, when he ran for officethat he vP7z an 'Indian.A.- i know that; I know just exactly •t1 -.2t they wr ,..s Indiaa;he was consid ,:red very honest; he was not requirej to j.vevery heavy band for thee taxes in Lauderle County.Q.- 'Ill. he Tear upon his feet?I have seen iin wear EOCCMii17, the sn,Lle as i have the7eLniilns here.Cross Examination.Ur. CorniEh;Q.- What io your naue?A.- J.L.DvillJn.Q. How old are you?A.- i rcko I am 62 vrs oil, 'pril nrtst.No, if the Liembers of Aron Asker's fauily say thnt he didnot speak the Choct ,,Y1 LanolarT, they were mistaken?A.- think they would be, yes, sir.Nonr,an; e object; It is for the Court to arty who is mistaken.Ir. Cornish;__50__

Q And Ton!?A.- Yes, sir.Q. Mr. LAvlison, what w-z feeling socially in that country,ka ickIt xmaakr ;T towrds parties L. were of thdian Blood,It was not very gpoi; it was thrown up to jlem in schoollike we would to a yellow boy or a mulatto; it is not populn:rto be an IndiPsi in Alr-lb9mQ.- Co you know whether it wn.s U.Me'a a7ninst Mron Askew, thathe was an Liiiirtn, when he ra.n for office.i don't remefAber just about this office business; I hrtveseen him collecting times, to you,,that it ur7d him onto run for office?Q. No, that it was urger r19t him, when he ran for officethat he vP7z an 'Indian.A.- i know that; I know just exactly •t1 -.2t they wr ,..s Indiaa;he was consid ,:red very honest; he was not requirej to j.vevery heavy band for thee taxes in Lauderle County.Q.- 'Ill. he Tear upon his feet?I have seen iin wear EOCCMii17, the sn,Lle as i have the7eLniilns here.Cross Examination.Ur. CorniEh;Q.- What io your naue?A.- J.L.DvillJn.Q. How old are you?A.- i rcko I am 62 vrs oil, 'pril nrtst.No, if the Liembers of Aron Asker's fauily say thnt he didnot speak the Choct ,,Y1 LanolarT, they were mistaken?A.- think they would be, yes, sir.Nonr,an; e object; It is for the Court to arty who is mistaken.Ir. Cornish;__50__

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