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Q. Your statement to the Court as to his being Choctqw-thin, is based on vtht he told you?A.- Yes, sir.Q. -. That is the extf-:_.t of your ktiowlettr, what he sai ,1?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- You herlri others say that?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- Who else.A.. Jurt like all the Indi ins, they said. he vizCor nish;The Nations wish to interpose an objection to the testimollyof this 7itnes, which tf,ndr to establish b hearsay test:Lony, blood nd riciA. status.You were born about the year 1844?along there,Q. You were born in Alibruna, were you not?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- Your mother vms ilattie Askew?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- ,there was she born?A.- I could not tell you?t you know where she WRS born?k.- he claimed she wns born in Lauderige County.Your information from her and your family was that she wasicr,)rn in Lcuiderd9,1e County?A. - Yes, sir. Th7t is irr:yr idea.Q.- You never heard otherwi e?A.- No, sir.How old w-ls your mother when she lied?A.- About 60 or 65.Q. ien did she die?--41--

A.- About 1070.Aril. she was about sixty five years old?A. —About sixty or siy.ty five, I think.Then your mother was born between 1805 ay., 1810.i never firlired on it.0.- Thrlt is about when she was born?A.- i don't know anything abo -.1t when she was born, I never sawthe record mrelf.Q.- it ip a matter of fi. jlares, yournother vlitis 60 or 65 whenshe lied and she lied about 1070?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- Then she must have been born 60 or 65 years before 1870?A.- i 101,'t know, I don't know any thing about her app.he 1-1A -rt not have been over 50; she died in Texas.Q.- lour nothcr lied in Texas?A.- Yes, sir eQ.- .hen did yor rrother 11T1 her fami_y leave Lauderdale County,Alabama.A.- 1 don't how what year they did leave, I think it was '69or '70, anl she died in about a year after she went there.Q.- in ab ut 'C'd or '70, the family of which your mother was amenbcr, ovel to Texas?A.- Yen, sir.Q.- What county lid they come tKauffman.Q.- Was your fatheilivin,;?A. No, sir.0. Your mother was a rilow?A.- Yes, sir.Q. - How long lid you live there?A.- Thirteen years.4r)

Q. Your statement to the Court as to his being Choctqw-thin, is based on vtht he told you?A.- Yes, sir.Q. -. That is the extf-:_.t of your ktiowlettr, what he sai ,1?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- You herlri others say that?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- Who else.A.. Jurt like all the Indi ins, they said. he vizCor nish;The Nations wish to interpose an objection to the testimollyof this 7itnes, which tf,ndr to establish b hearsay test:Lony, blood nd riciA. status.You were born about the year 1844?along there,Q. You were born in Alibruna, were you not?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- Your mother vms ilattie Askew?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- ,there was she born?A.- I could not tell you?t you know where she WRS born?k.- he claimed she wns born in Lauderige County.Your information from her and your family was that she wasicr,)rn in Lcuiderd9,1e County?A. - Yes, sir. Th7t is irr:yr idea.Q.- You never heard otherwi e?A.- No, sir.How old w-ls your mother when she lied?A.- About 60 or 65.Q. ien did she die?--41--

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