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coisolidated, does the Court intend to try them under onetitle?Judge Adais;No, just let the evidence be applicable in both cases.The titles of the cases will rennin as they are.Mr. Cornish;We wish the rule applied to narties who are not partiesto t'e suit.(it was so ordered)Mr. Norman;M. Askew,a witness called by the Plaintiffs, being clu"y sworn,testified as follows;Q.- 141,t is your nane?A.- F.M.kskeW.Q.- What is your a?A.- Fifty _e years, the 14th day of next June.Q.- there do you reside?A.- larietta.Q.- Are you a. citizen of a4 Indian Nation?A.- Yes qir,Q. - WhatNation?A.- Choctaw Nation,Q.- Are you a member of the Choctaw Tribe of inillasz -7, Inliann?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- 're you enrolled as such a member?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- ho was your father?A.- lurrill Askew.Q.- ';11() lArels your mother?3 .

Asker.Q. - -hat w-ks.1 her lialce before marri ,ve ?A.- -U .:aThrou rihom do you trace your Ilitian Blood, your fatheror our mother?A.- father.Q.,- i1urrii1 kph- .A.- Yes, sir.Q1- *hat arount of 1liin Blood did your father norsesA.- A quarter, I believe.Q.- A quarter Blood?A. Yes ,Q.- Throuth whom lid he trace hi In1ii. Blood?A.- Throu'th his father.A.-61-kat was hi s father' n 1/:r ?t^^,AskeT.‘.3,mount of LA.iiln Blood lid Aarci, Askew have?He claimed to be a half breed?here is the father Trd moth,- r of Aaron Acker. now?A.- They are d ad.Q.- All dead?A.- Yes,;then :.7Lid your father lie?A..- in 1 January, I believe it 771.13.Q.- When Tidi your rothc,,:rA.- ..7.he died in 1898, June.Q.- ,hen did Aaron Askew lie:A.- I believe he died in 1562, October 1602.Q.- o you ret,'...(ember havin,?; F3een Aaron Askew durin i7, his lifetime?A.- Yes., F..4ir.

coisolidated, does the Court intend to try them under onetitle?Judge Adais;No, just let the evidence be applicable in both cases.The titles of the cases will rennin as they are.Mr. Cornish;We wish the rule applied to narties who are not partiesto t'e suit.(it was so ordered)Mr. Norman;M. Askew,a witness called by the Plaintiffs, being clu"y sworn,testified as follows;Q.- 141,t is your nane?A.- F.M.kskeW.Q.- What is your a?A.- Fifty _e years, the 14th day of next June.Q.- there do you reside?A.- larietta.Q.- Are you a. citizen of a4 Indian Nation?A.- Yes qir,Q. - WhatNation?A.- Choctaw Nation,Q.- Are you a member of the Choctaw Tribe of inillasz -7, Inliann?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- 're you enrolled as such a member?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- ho was your father?A.- lurrill Askew.Q.- ';11() lArels your mother?3 .

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