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Q. - How oli lre you ?,,.- Fifty two or fifty three the 24th, of 1st Jinuary.Q. - Are you older or youn7r than L:rri Askew?A.- Older by two years, I think.Q.- You were born in. Alabama?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- in L ,I,ul.erd.ale County?P.-Yes, sir.Q.- That in the extreme north went county of Alabama it lies-Inorth of the Tennessee River?Ye!7,then did you le2ve ,Ailabam„ ?don't reL;emberQ.- Did you move co Texas?A.- No, sir,0 _ 1-s ere did you move to?A. - The Terri tory.Your fnther movd to Texas?A.- Yes, sir.Lhere were you while your father w-s in Texas?A.- 1 had not yet left Alabrima.C.- Then you did not leave Alabama until after your fatherhad lived in Texas the . g eater Dart of a year?A.- fen, sir, on account of ill-health.C.- lour father•was 111 •,-•No, sir, I was.,0 XOU reined in Alabama rhile your 1 ,1ther went to Texas?_ Yes, sir, I resided there a while?ibu did not leave Alabama, until after your father had livedhis time in Texas, and cam on to the Territory, that iscorrect?

A.-How old w-,s your father when he eli oiA.- I ion't know.C) • - he wr!.s solnewherep, about eighty yel,,rs old when h e iieci inn.-602 ?lie was a very old uinn?Yes, rir, he w ,ts g:ptting ! .7,2oarty,ere about ei• .tty years?i don't know, air.i ,here your father born?I don't know.1anT7 ri there s()1r1iere.- have you any knoil.ed4o of Ids having livel rviy whereA,- No,except ii Lauda rial e County, Alibia, 'here you firstcoraI1011C e to remember?Q.- Where (Ili your .::;r2ndfatlxer lie;A.- e is sfUl. to have liel in 1861.Q.- You were livin ,c there. in )11,71,t county in A1.12w ?A.- Yes, - sir.Q.- ere you about when he lied and when he w11.1 buried?A.- Yes, sir, I wri.s. at the burial.o. You were tan yen oil, about?A.- I wl,s a chili, I c2,n relLembcr h19 burial.O.- How old a fL11.ta was he when he liei?A.- ,A very old man?je looked to be,hore wls he born?A. t know.0 40Have you riny info rmati n thit he wan born or ever livedany where Lauderdale Liourity, Alabi,r ?A.- No, sir.

Q. - How oli lre you ?,,.- Fifty two or fifty three the 24th, of 1st Jinuary.Q. - Are you older or youn7r than L:rri Askew?A.- Older by two years, I think.Q.- You were born in. Alabama?A.- Yes, sir.Q.- in L ,I,ul.erd.ale County?P.-Yes, sir.Q.- That in the extreme north went county of Alabama it lies-Inorth of the Tennessee River?Ye!7,then did you le2ve ,Ailabam„ ?don't reL;emberQ.- Did you move co Texas?A.- No, sir,0 _ 1-s ere did you move to?A. - The Terri tory.Your fnther movd to Texas?A.- Yes, sir.Lhere were you while your father w-s in Texas?A.- 1 had not yet left Alabrima.C.- Then you did not leave Alabama until after your fatherhad lived in Texas the . g eater Dart of a year?A.- fen, sir, on account of ill-health.C.- lour father•was 111 •,-•No, sir, I was.,0 XOU reined in Alabama rhile your 1 ,1ther went to Texas?_ Yes, sir, I resided there a while?ibu did not leave Alabama, until after your father had livedhis time in Texas, and cam on to the Territory, that iscorrect?

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