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asHe the fac,,, t1:7 ,1t you have been enrolleri, Ireyou an. Lyn in, 2,ny 1N,T, a Choctaw you say?Yes,Q.- pii you ever see a man named Tom V'ke ,7?NoA.- Y(4E4, sir.Q you ever see his wife?Q.Di411_ ...on don't remember to have, seen either of them?A.- No, sir,here is your father?A.- He is ieRJ.Q.- here is your mother?i s de ldQ. ,here i Aaron Askew?laron Ask:7 is dead.- Hiv e you heard your mother say anything about your connectionvTith ToAskew?A.- I don't reI.:Jember her s'.7ginz about Torn Askew, she told methnt tho se boys, that is Newt and Quint lri r4 kj folksof mine.-1 she siy in ir'nat y ?kin to Liy father, she said.Q.- Kin by intennrria :.7e or by blood.Kin by blood.Q.- in on the white sHe or the Indian side?On the mile.'.111 you know a -party 1urin7 his life time by the n',.nr ofCamnbell Frazer?Yee, sir.Did you ever t any time hear him state or swear as toany relationship existing between him and you?

A.- Yes, sir,Q.- ti.t ild he state or Srenr tle case tiny beA.- He sti.te 1 that Murrill vid Lose wf.'re kin folk - ds„Q.- Did he state whit the connection lims.A.- I 'Link he said they Vinflcouü, £ don't reerriberhe rtaid fir,t or rieooni.Of what degee of indiv4 Blood vms Cipbeil Fri .zer'iA.- Full B1.--)od.- Full Blood vthati.A.- Leiocti.w.Leola- „PT you knor imthA.- i r es, sir.issho related to you?Yes, air.In WL1t Wly.Fir3t or sec ni courin, I don't know which,• Know vthether he or her children are upon the Indian “1,:olls"I declare I don't know.••.- You are not able to state?A.- No, sir.Judge Adixlis3• :•,or.le child is that by yThat is r.i7 boy.Q.- You married ft white v. •••?liftnsfield;Yes, sir.vio -Ad like the record to show thi.t we object to thereflection of the testimaHci of raziobP11 Frazer i9 heir gayAWO

A.- Yes, sir,Q.- ti.t ild he state or Srenr tle case tiny beA.- He sti.te 1 that Murrill vid Lose wf.'re kin folk - ds„Q.- Did he state whit the connection lims.A.- I 'Link he said they Vinflcouü, £ don't reerriberhe rtaid fir,t or rieooni.Of what degee of indiv4 Blood vms Cipbeil Fri .zer'iA.- Full B1.--)od.- Full Blood vthati.A.- Leiocti.w.Leola- „PT you knor imthA.- i r es, sir.issho related to you?Yes, air.In WL1t Wly.Fir3t or sec ni courin, I don't know which,• Know vthether he or her children are upon the Indian “1,:olls"I declare I don't know.••.- You are not able to state?A.- No, sir.Judge Adixlis3• :•,or.le child is that by yThat is r.i7 boy.Q.- You married ft white v. •••?liftnsfield;Yes, sir.vio -Ad like the record to show thi.t we object to thereflection of the testimaHci of raziobP11 Frazer i9 heir gayAWO

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