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'7771,7! ',..!,W7,77"•-:-117..f..1,ti en heaor1...ied to Council.?No. sir, i.e never .brothers and me out in a c11.1.m„A.(11. R,Tyol ed to Council?Yes, sir.Tid anply; nw father new, r 3id I:o .-11,y.,•- Then he Tas livino in Denton at the time the claim wasmade?Ye,-,Norrr(arl;Re-_irectQ.- How ion 7 lid your netition hang -up before the Choct.2.77-ion't know, sevcra).. years?Q. - Remember how lonrr, it 77-,s before your friiy Ept a iecisiA- someon it; reember in vihn:t yePr it was?tine in the it q.,poe ,rs to me it wn,,s in '89.Q.- You di rremerflo r the exact yearA.- Yes,A .Was your father a preacheriYe.,_°, sir.A. - '07,Did he fillbefore he movrd Tar here?ii,istry for a norti ,,in of a yenr in Texas,sir; at Pilot's Point, Gainesville and Denton.And afterwards mu- is he come on to the Terri tory?Yef-, sir.Q - I wont to ask you about Aunt Eli a, who lid he marry?tioc' DouDo yo ::t know whether or not her descend-its are now on tileroll?A.- No, sir.

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