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claim to be such by marriage. Martha, wife of Willi Quint Aaskew,Bettie wife of William Thomas Askew, and Dora, who is the wife of GeorgeWashington Askew. All of these ladies, Martha, Bettie, and Dora Askeware White ladies and m were married to the aforesaid parties under thekaws of the United Sttes.ARGIJILITT.Tt will be seen by the foregoing statement of facts thatthese parties of all of a common ancestor, named Tom Aaskew, and asthere are no rules of this Commission, that me know of which requireseach applicant to pt in a seperate application for his or herself,these parties have all united in the same joint application. Thereare several reason for their doing this. Among them it may be mentionedhat it would be less trouble, some to this Honorable Commission,as the testimony which establishes one of thei claims will also estabkxxxlish that of all the others. Besides it will lesseen the expenseof these parties, who are very poor people, and are not able tosecure testimony that will substantiat their claims seperately.We desire to consider this question first: With resferenceto those partites who are leniel descendants of Tam Askew, afterwardsto consider the claims of those who have intermarried with thesefamilies.Fir tat:The evidence in full, complete, positive, and directthat there lived in the State of Alabama a half blood ChoctawIndian, named Aaron Askew. Aaron Askew had three sons, named Mose,Murrell and Ton Askew. . The testimony is equally direct and positivethat these three boys were full brothers and 1/4 Choctaw Indians.Tie children of said Murrell Askew, have already establishedtheir claims as citizen of the Choctaw Nation. Now a child of the saidTam Askew and his leniel descendants apply to this Cammission for citizenshipin said Nation. qeveral of the chil ren of the said MurrellAskew have made affidavits in this case to the effect that they areChoctaw —Indians, and that William Quint Askew is their first cousin

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