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}-DTRV P XAr DUTTON.Yr, o tm. ish:Q.- -*Judge Lo7i 7 OU }ve ref ,erred to an old man by the name ofAskew, an old Camel lit Preacher, ald who lived downalong Red 1River, in the neighborhood where GovernorOverton livud?-Mat is the rl WI I hve reference to.-And there are families of people down in there who arereputed tobe descendants of this same family'?es Pfrir.O..* This man was personally acquainted with and a friend ofcoe rno r Overton, the rnTL yo u refer to?A,- -Ye setirlerria:r.Norman:The apfliceelts move now to expAnge the evidenceof ,Tudi7e Move, with reference to the apklication _ orcitizenship and adoption as raemb e ro of the Chickasawsfor the reason he says that he knows nothing pera3nallyabout it. That whatever int' orraat ion he may have c °mosfrom an examim t ion of the record, or from what peoplehave told him, TTe kn, own nothing about it personally.7econd, for the reason that if any such •applicatIonwas made by Gov,;rnor Overton for AW ,zew, the record isth best evidence of it, and the record has not beenproduced, we also move to exclude the evidence of:wig, Jove, with reference to statements supposed to havebeen made by Aex:ew, for the r.ason that if such statemntsever vie re ;a de to him, you cannot collaterally ai;t,ckthe judmen t by wIlich his children attained theircitizenship in such a .1iTy, If their father should havemade uh otatment it would have been sealed and mergedinto the j jag ment obtained by them before the Unitv.sd States

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