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- MurriCros;• You or:1y y••:1;L are' fifty tro yei,r7 011?Ye, dr, no, I tirn in my fifty fir7t ye cr ,111 1de fifty to your net th (.1A.- Yes, sir.Q.- You were born in . ribarna.hat (:tolL ty ?, r 1/1 eThat i the ectreTre north weAena county in the Stn,teAlaLarna?A.- Yes, sir,Q.- it i north of the Tennewsee •ivr.z?A.- Yer iir ,- t bordor on the ee Line?A Yes, sir„,You 77erc born in 1651 or 52.?In 1853, 1 rmid.frAi ci your father ii e?A.- He diet, in 1882.Q. How old w9.1, he when he • iiel?A. - cli, he v19.,n aarnev,-7116 re in the ei,itie, t hiow C X,—acti yfAt7. -Tr.YcY,•;ir rcatzsTr• *malt nmed w1it?•Q 1832 iwiz Or' 'iiT S 011?Yon, sir.Then he was born out 1802.

onA.- Yen, dr, 1 thiiik hc 77'$,,la-t,tis about correct?.dr.century,Q,- He was born :nowhere 9bout the bnnin of the crtvrtru.,:a3xx41.6 - es,sir.sq, • , -1 Le re IT he born?A. t tell flon't know thq,t he w9.11 not born in T.ottierloCounty, ,r,thero you fi rr r8.-m the 1 i *It ,'71.0 you ?A.- No, sir.So fir n,s you know he r9..p.?A. • "" Yen , 711NO,You have no knoviedse, either th.rou.,:t.the femi y , or otherr3ethit he N119:131)0171 !Iny ..71-iore el ne :Q.- Where (1.1,-4 your ther die?,- he liel in the Chickaw Nation, ne ,Ir IA0140nLauic rdal o Co:.).:nty?•"" In117X31did you, your flther and his fnmiiy, leave•'" hero did You stop firlt when you left Aib?A.- I cone ritt on to the Nation, but my fs..1,,her ,...1,04k, ed. inDenton County, -old Ann linen' i p1 njce.vvCyel,r 'lid your father come from bj:ia to Te .913?in 1331.Q. in 1001, your fther removed from Alabtunn., to Denton CountyTcxaz?A.- Yes,•,4.- How lorwdidirniu. . father live there?

- MurriCros;• You or:1y y••:1;L are' fifty tro yei,r7 011?Ye, dr, no, I tirn in my fifty fir7t ye cr ,111 1de fifty to your net th (.1A.- Yes, sir.Q.- You were born in . ribarna.hat (:tolL ty ?, r 1/1 eThat i the ectreTre north weAena county in the Stn,teAlaLarna?A.- Yes, sir,Q.- it i north of the Tennewsee •ivr.z?A.- Yer iir ,- t bordor on the ee Line?A Yes, sir„,You 77erc born in 1651 or 52.?In 1853, 1 rmid.frAi ci your father ii e?A.- He diet, in 1882.Q. How old w9.1, he when he • iiel?A. - cli, he v19.,n aarnev,-7116 re in the ei,itie, t hiow C X,—acti yfAt7. -Tr.YcY,•;ir rcatzsTr• *malt nmed w1it?•Q 1832 iwiz Or' 'iiT S 011?Yon, sir.Then he was born out 1802.

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