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it id not,c t say then wehther that occ urred or not?A,I don't think it (iid.--You cant t say positively the, it did not, but if itU t hE3 sLippd your merlory, and you c 3l t say?A. i ion' t think such a tlaing happened, if it did it h171 i rely el ipped my memory'.you. reraetaber that r. Bixby, after you had raisedthe clw.::•13t ion stated to you that he d.idny t 'want yotT toraise any more 'useless objections of thatA.—Nev .- • spoke such a thin:7, to me.Q.—Can you be portiti/re &bout it.A.—T ti ink I can be.Q 0 --Are puri .T am as far as I have a mind.-T thinlc. it fair to you ;.,o 5/Lty that the A3kews you "a retai.2c1ne, about is no t the father of th; .4. people i,itho areppli a Tits in this casa, I think it fair to you tosay that?-Th ey ere as fr s T not Lad by them th t iu rreii Az -Kew was the Jrfath er?--I don' 1, rec11ect this run's given n aue.Q,.--You say the man that you bre talkinr. about a ppliodto theThiele,..asaws for citizenship?his frienclrs, ovt:! rmor Ova rt on did for him. I" thinkOvert on is the one i;itat ede appl st ion.t makes you think Overton was the men',.A.-ar pretty certain it vv,s. It W86 a public mtte rbefore the T,eg al. tu re• - rf there yrk.da anything of that kinft it ould be inand the ri..`; ords before the cormiss ion would shoe

--It V/ S no t; bifore the Clizrisklion, it vise before thelegislatura, I think they out to have som:' ,.) rco. dYou prent t the time?iir, I d On I J. E414 1 -- 1111.ater kno- dge you hi, vo of the cecurrenci.!! ssomet?Ang that told you?• 0.on't :;hink it was. it was a public matter, arid I can'tBay how, T gotmy mowledge o I may It ve got it from thermc rdr3Q. — N..0 u knew Judge Overton?knew Governor Overton.• -:"1".e was Torn or many yearq/jtsir,ntrabar of year s .Q.--And he assisted Askew in ge Ain7 this claire-Yes sir,0.--Your nephew Rolmeis, also assi:3tedA.-- T-Ir it not a fact that all the prcen nnt Indian3 werecasisting thi! -; man"-1 don't knort, -.about that, he failed o get it and Iwou -d think from that that ll were not interestedit, or they v& piven it to im,sthat t.hi man did not get to 1)e a citizenr hi people"• -T ncrv. c.'r he- of any Anthor people except .th 'reacher.It his ch...lciren make apl)licA.--dont think theyrrio r r.)vert on V7 as taking Cin int e re t In this old IL. ancitizesbip c1airi, nd.. your idea is that he put in theclaim ..ith the rmiicks for citizenship, but the onlykn w s you It ve r.f at you think comes from what

--It V/ S no t; bifore the Clizrisklion, it vise before thelegislatura, I think they out to have som:' ,.) rco. dYou prent t the time?iir, I d On I J. E414 1 -- 1111.ater kno- dge you hi, vo of the cecurrenci.!! ssomet?Ang that told you?• 0.on't :;hink it was. it was a public matter, arid I can'tBay how, T gotmy mowledge o I may It ve got it from thermc rdr3Q. — N..0 u knew Judge Overton?knew Governor Overton.• -:"1".e was Torn or many yearq/jtsir,ntrabar of year s .Q.--And he assisted Askew in ge Ain7 this claire-Yes sir,0.--Your nephew Rolmeis, also assi:3tedA.-- T-Ir it not a fact that all the prcen nnt Indian3 werecasisting thi! -; man"-1 don't knort, -.about that, he failed o get it and Iwou -d think from that that ll were not interestedit, or they v& piven it to im,sthat t.hi man did not get to 1)e a citizenr hi people"• -T ncrv. c.'r he- of any Anthor people except .th 'reacher.It his ch...lciren make apl)licA.--dont think theyrrio r r.)vert on V7 as taking Cin int e re t In this old IL. ancitizesbip c1airi, nd.. your idea is that he put in theclaim ..ith the rmiicks for citizenship, but the onlykn w s you It ve r.f at you think comes from what

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