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I think he did, but can't, be positive.Tudge Love, what cl.v:!s (.end ant }3 a re lilt ing tin :'cuoan name by naae l who are the on of this man you nrce?is one tha t i now that is Balis Askew, and onthem of411d M I don't know much about M.Q.--TTnder vthat oireuustane , sdi:1 this oonveese,tion occur' ,- -We we re j St in o ()talon onve rsat ion, I w!inted to know.(*), -Theru did it °co ur'A.--T can tell you that.0,.--We re : ,ou w ith h re (luta . ly?A,- -ycls sir, I knkysiv himhk: a preachee)A. -Yes,--Do you remenftr *at thr )31 ins t ion*A.--at they called Camel lits, I don't know, but therearon I spoke to htm about hit.,3 ionality was, het look like our Ind 'ans. e was d arke r and lookedmore like mexic an.C Ross AIS IN AT ION.Mr. No man:e tna•d e rs t ant ou to s ay that the As 3.yaw youare ttllking about is the father of the applicantsthis c aSe?is accepted,you know the app /cants in this o itssite?d cfn t know that I do, I understand the nails andfulily are, and that there are several of then,understand that B lis, U. and I'm a re ic(1) -1 lc ant s?T don' t know _on, I never know Tom, I knw that man„I didn't know that he was an Askew.q,„ -Ynur und e ra tan ding is that he is an app1icnt in thisaS e9

A.-- live no t he a r.1 it f*L/rther than that I Ilrea rd the namesof children, 7.(107Kinzey.; I think married One of thedaunt e rs s,Lnd I believe a rf , :mod AieXr1der, T ronitb e c rt :in.--your Id tki that they ar piicants here?A.--",-es sir ; that is ray,'Yov y you knelt, this o]. /a an A sic eV?-A.- 7e s sir, I was persoru.1y q 17 int od hie!-Did he look like an Indian')-7Te we rery dark and looked like he wee not whitQ -77e is the one you and Fo3zites Willis and other pronl.inunt,mm signed 7,4, p tition to the Choctaw Council to havehim •er. rc. lied"A . leve r 11 ,1 it.or not')u .,,now 731 e tiv r your n Eve api_e ars on that petitionTh is is the f irs t I eye r heard ar it.-To ref resh your memo.', you remember you raiscd thisobjection b of ore the Daws Corwis 3 i.on at one t imea„; istin s t the, ro incnt of As3Cew, Torn Askewand II, Askew at Leb anonWas at 1- oh anon I ono time, but didn t remain to hear1 they did. I went a round . the chick as moll and wipe rir 13 edirk, the rolls for the :navies C omnissyou rertrabor having raised this objection beforethe r awes curl ss ion9A,-'I do no t rumomberQ. --Do you rem erib e r 1.7 r. Tom Askew 7,41 en i fore the Dawes C omm is f3ion referrlw tc this p ape r, and finding your _rAgn t ureto this ppl 0 otA. - -T cton,t recollect anything about it.Q, -70 12 can't 3017 the; it id not o cc ur?A. Can't say posi,tivo ly that it did no t, but am most c

A.-- live no t he a r.1 it f*L/rther than that I Ilrea rd the namesof children, 7.(107Kinzey.; I think married One of thedaunt e rs s,Lnd I believe a rf , :mod AieXr1der, T ronitb e c rt :in.--your Id tki that they ar piicants here?A.--",-es sir ; that is ray,'Yov y you knelt, this o]. /a an A sic eV?-A.- 7e s sir, I was persoru.1y q 17 int od hie!-Did he look like an Indian')-7Te we rery dark and looked like he wee not whitQ -77e is the one you and Fo3zites Willis and other pronl.inunt,mm signed 7,4, p tition to the Choctaw Council to havehim •er. rc. lied"A . leve r 11 ,1 it.or not')u .,,now 731 e tiv r your n Eve api_e ars on that petitionTh is is the f irs t I eye r heard ar it.-To ref resh your memo.', you remember you raiscd thisobjection b of ore the Daws Corwis 3 i.on at one t imea„; istin s t the, ro incnt of As3Cew, Torn Askewand II, Askew at Leb anonWas at 1- oh anon I ono time, but didn t remain to hear1 they did. I went a round . the chick as moll and wipe rir 13 edirk, the rolls for the :navies C omnissyou rertrabor having raised this objection beforethe r awes curl ss ion9A,-'I do no t rumomberQ. --Do you rem erib e r 1.7 r. Tom Askew 7,41 en i fore the Dawes C omm is f3ion referrlw tc this p ape r, and finding your _rAgn t ureto this ppl 0 otA. - -T cton,t recollect anything about it.Q, -70 12 can't 3017 the; it id not o cc ur?A. Can't say posi,tivo ly that it did no t, but am most c

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