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IN 1 11-17, C11:0 AND CH 'MASA:7 'ITIZiTHIP COIMT,rfAT TIV.011TvGot ;runTPAM, 1004.Newt Askew, et L,vs. No, 1.Choctaw a nd rih icsw Natotu.Thorgiam Norman, for Pi aini.iff.Yelven Cornish, for Defendants.Test tiony tan before Spencer B. Adams, Chief,Tudge of the Choctaw and chickasaw Citizenship Court, atArdmore, in the abov- entitled cause, on ,Tul7 6, 1904,,TITT)Gri,L0V, witness on behalf of the.ef3rints, after being first duly morn, testifidD AmPTATION.Yr. Cornish:- t your full narae"A. CM' a rt on Lore,at is your age ."A.--T ara gc on e igh ty- on eP., • -4.71h at is your cit izen sin ip?A, C t izen by blood of the Chick.saw Nat ionQ, re were you ham?1,,Tarshaal County.en di. you one from Miss 3. r30 ippi to tis C 0 untrY?forty- throe.or ct th t irril your parents em if: rated f r• m Mi.,. ippito the now 7ation"come o. little tx heat C them,r,1 you know a m )n..n by the name of Murrell Askew'?t recollect any name I ,.'Knew 6. man n.foned Askew,O the fathor of the Ask mots who a re now c1aimin7, citizenship.

' sr.,A.p -..;9.w1 r d it you know hteA s —I knew hiaa on Red Piver swh it yea r.A.--I coulden't„ tell ro it007r, '"?ood zany rarsQ,-Wher did he come f rot 71.n. he moved int the Ter: itoJ.T o t tell ;,you, 'hat my Own knolwedgeA 0 --77ow long did he lit in the Territory be fore died?number of ye &I'S.41)iid he live on ourXtrx No sirsn what ple did he live?-T don't know what place he lived on, but it was knownas the Wellintonitho owned that? t?A, overton ha,d a ftirrn and Willis had a farm, and Wellingt on had a :ram I just know him as a preacher. Rehas b een at my house s eve ra t; tres sQ.--That stat ,nent did he make to you with rerencehis nat±onality?know sasked, him 1,,hft.: question, and he answered me he rli.1.ny tlong was that before he died?A„..-7Tct a great while, I can't rive the time.r as you know did he make aptaio at iOn for citizenin any of the Toive tribes?-.07:13t a ppl ic at ionr,*A.- To be adopted the chickasaws.Them lid r'ovenior Ow rton 1 :LV at that time,A.--re lived on this Wellington pi 61t in this Ration at that e.

' sr.,A.p -..;9.w1 r d it you know hteA s —I knew hiaa on Red Piver swh it yea r.A.--I coulden't„ tell ro it007r, '"?ood zany rarsQ,-Wher did he come f rot 71.n. he moved int the Ter: itoJ.T o t tell ;,you, 'hat my Own knolwedgeA 0 --77ow long did he lit in the Territory be fore died?number of ye &I'S.41)iid he live on ourXtrx No sirsn what ple did he live?-T don't know what place he lived on, but it was knownas the Wellintonitho owned that? t?A, overton ha,d a ftirrn and Willis had a farm, and Wellingt on had a :ram I just know him as a preacher. Rehas b een at my house s eve ra t; tres sQ.--That stat ,nent did he make to you with rerencehis nat±onality?know sasked, him 1,,hft.: question, and he answered me he rli.1.ny tlong was that before he died?A„..-7Tct a great while, I can't rive the time.r as you know did he make aptaio at iOn for citizenin any of the Toive tribes?-.07:13t a ppl ic at ionr,*A.- To be adopted the chickasaws.Them lid r'ovenior Ow rton 1 :LV at that time,A.--re lived on this Wellington pi 61t in this Ration at that e.

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