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I ao rot,. 40. Do you know who hin mother was? A, No sir 1 do not,Did he have arT7 brothcTs or 3 2t:?.r3 in tht county? A. If hehad. at all know nothing rtbout it,SW Do yoil, knikw where Aaron kikow caLle from to tiiis county? A t No sir,I do not,C, Do you know whether or not thiz; country an tally colprizndany indiwq country? A, Eo sir, 1 do not.Counoel waiva the certificate signing at thi8 place, 21orenceA.1.ama, and consents that it may be made at any time heraafter beforethe trial of this cause at lishamingo, Indian 'J,eritory,

I t Henry S. Foote Associate Judge of the Choctaw and ChicasaWCourt of Cittzenship t who by special Order of said Court this the20th day of May, 1904 1 sat to hear testimony as above set forth .and transcribed; in the town of Florence t County of Laudetdale t Stateof Alabama. And that the foregoing testimony of witnesses set forthwas taken and heard before me; the witnes ses having all been firstsworn according to low And the stenographer, Hattie MacCarley twho transcribed this record was by m sworn to take down the samein shorthand and to transcribe it accurately y in longhand.In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand, this the20th day of gay t 1904..

I t Henry S. Foote Associate Judge of the Choctaw and ChicasaWCourt of Cittzenship t who by special Order of said Court this the20th day of May, 1904 1 sat to hear testimony as above set forth .and transcribed; in the town of Florence t County of Laudetdale t Stateof Alabama. And that the foregoing testimony of witnesses set forthwas taken and heard before me; the witnes ses having all been firstsworn according to low And the stenographer, Hattie MacCarley twho transcribed this record was by m sworn to take down the samein shorthand and to transcribe it accurately y in longhand.In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand, this the20th day of gay t 1904..

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