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tosayc,9C, Was he looked.' upon arld renerally treEted in th1 conmunity as a.respectible wIdte person? A. He was looked upon as a respectablean and a gentlennn,Q, He held public Office for a nunber of years I dd he not? A. Ile d.he brnla the offic, of Tax JAases'41or for quite a number of years,Q 4 Lo you know of ',your 074n knowlaage or aa a. natter of illatory thatLauderda1.7 County, Alabama was elr .(3r a part of Indian country. A,• Xdo not know,S. Do you know the.. 1 mattr of fact or '3 a matter of historywhat tribe of indian, 1NA whtlt i nowknown as Lauderdale County?A. I do not,question by ,Tudge Foote., Did I or did I not understand you to say thnt Aaron Askewiwhenyou knew him last,ww3 a man that wa4. bald headed or a man who hadlost his hair? 4. I don't know what you understood me to o4y, butI did .. rotsay that, I did .that his hair wao straiEht ana he wasconsiderabTy bald,Q. te -direc t7,xataination,By Mt, NorIlm.Q. ID reply to the que:Aion put by Mr. tich.ardsbn,state whether oznotAaron Askew was looked upon as an indian? A, He wus,D Zmdants object to question and answer. Objection sulteinedOn the grounft that the question and answer attempts to call for sand the question afld answer attempts to show raoial ot ,)tus,which w - excepton the ground that we are not at t elm? t inE: toprove racial status, and are not in this case attempting to groveracia status, A.s our opinion of the law i that racial stat as hasnothilag .do with the case, and that ) we arc now try nr to f,I,OcAreracial status,3 Mr, NormLi . rect Fmr, ination,Mr, 3, F, McDonald, a witness, testifies LiaJ follows tolowit:44rA ix, your name? A. J. %. J:c1Lonald.How old are you? A, ay fathers record says that I was born

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