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q. What Askews did you roler to as leaving 'here to go to Texas?meant Merle Askew and family *q. Do you know whethPr they intended to ,70 from the to teTeritory or not A, T. thirk they did, yes sir,Q„ Lid they leave here then with the intention to co to Indian. let,?-A. I couldn't say for certain; that was my arderstunding. I livedin about a mile of them End heard them talk frequently about it. Thatwas What they said that they intended. to co, and did go.Ite cross Fxamination.By 14r. Richardson»O, What was their object in going to Texu87 A. M coa dn't toll youwhat their idea was in going to Texas.Direct Examination,By ilr, NormanMr. G. C. Thigpen, a witness testifies U2 follows:What is your name? A. G. C. Thigpen,4. What is your age? A. 86.(4„ Your post office address? A. Atlas, Lauderdale County, Alabama.C. 4, Did you know a par -V in this county,daring hi a lifetime, by thename of Aaron Askew? A, I did,q. Of what race of people was he? A, I couldn't positive answerthat question sa, but he wa3 always considered to be an indian; ofwhat tribe I know not.Lefendants object to both question and answer on the ground thatit is incompetent in that it is hearsay evidence attemptinu to proveracial status. Judge Foote stAstaine Lie objection *Tc _ich Plaintiff excepts,What was the color of his skin? A. He was a dark cozplected raan sir,what I would call a. copper color ,C4. Do you know whether his cheek bones were prominent? A. myrecoleetion is that they were very prominent.q. What was the color of his eyes? A. _I don't knowq, Was his hair straight or kinky? A. What hair the old c2entleman

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