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The reason I remember . Buter,he we here in town und wa3 a m.andrank v. littlo t Lnd it 41.1a0 c‘n impre3sion on MB.By Mr • Lachar4sons.Cross tlIxaminution,o„ Mr s Ulker, was Laude- Ile County ever a part of lands belongingto indiana? A. Yes sir, I uppose so, but that was before Iv daythough,(1, . Do you ow wiiat tribe of inaians owned tile country now co%mrisingLauder:County? A. Yo sir, I do not, T I,Avc undrstood that Lascounty was a part of the Chicsaw nation,Q. Luring thq tine the Askews lived here were there any indiansir4abitinc this county? A. No sir, no full bloods that I know,Lid you 'my that Aaron Askew WV,3 for 16 years tax collector forthis county, A. That is my remembrance,Q. He and hierlr' Ask= were both preachers were they not? A, Yes sir.Q. Merle Askew was also a school teacher was he not? A. HA taughtschool at tite: I understand. I was never at his Bchool„O, How Ilan Butler of wAom you spoke know that iiaron :kskewwas a Choctaw? A, Couldn't tell you.Q, 'e you know what country tlae 113kOWS cam from to ttiis county? A.do not,Q. When tie Aokews left this county do you know where they went; doyou know where they intend3d to go? A, Yes sir, they left hereto to Texas,:..kestion by Judge Foote,Q. Lid Merle A3k0W teach a white or an Indian school? A white 3chool,There ware no indians here except 'them.ae-dirt -7xainatio1,Ey r, .Torxr.an ,-. Where is Cane Creek ? It is on the south aide of the Tennessee,ab out a mile or a mile 4 . ),1-,d a half below P'x'is Station, on thear4 C7:.e.r1c,:ston a, R‘

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