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Waich one Of the Askews did you ever hear say that he oue tee indian?A. Merle. I was better acquainted with him than any of the others,41. Did you know Toe A. I don't remexeber mach aboat Tom. knewand that wao all.Q, Lid you ever hear Tom claim to be an Indian? A, No sir l I hadno acquaintance with him, I merely knew him when I saw him,S. Did yeu know Mose Askew? A. Yes sir *q. Did you ever hear 'Mose claim to be an indiae A 0 I don't knowthat I ever did *5. Haw Leary of the girls did you know? Ae One id all that I everhad any acquaintance viith.5. Did you ever hear her olaim to be an indian ? A, Never did, asI was never in her company very much *q t. Who did you ever hear say that Merle Askew waz an indian?A.I haveheard 'my father and my uncles say it, end have said it myself,5. How did your father and your uncles and you know that he wao anindian? A. Because it was generally known by all the citizens thatthey were indians,That is tee way you knew it then? A, Well I knew it erom theappearance, They never denied it any of teem.S, Can you tell,from their appearance, what tribe of indians theybelonged to. A, No sir s I could not, I ae not well enougl aceaaintedwith indiana to do that * I suppose the Cherokees- Cree .ka s andChicasawe all look about alike,5, Was Lauderdale County ever a part Of the indian country?think it via:; sir.Q. Do you know to What tribe of Indians Lauderdale county belonGed?A. I think Lauderdale county eeionEed to the Cherokees *Aaron an LBO.° Askew were preaches were they not? A. Sir,04, Vieee they teeeted in this country as reepectelele wixite people?A, Yea sir,Direct I3zaelination,By Mr, Normal *Lir.3. 'Nelker, a witness, testifies as follows to-wit:

44 What ia your nEulle? A, A. a. Vvalkor.What i yok.A.r age? A. 71,What la your pot oiTice address? A, Florence, Alabama.How lone; have you lived in Alabama? A, About 61 or 62 years,came here in 1843,Q, Did you know a man (Alring hi life tire by the name of Aaron Askew?A. '1C3 sir,The. no who was a preacher anU Collector? A, Yes sir,:“A;.4 know any of 144 son? A 0 ,Les sir.oes? A. I lolow Lbrle Askew a son of his, and one calledMoses; anc4i then I know on or two ot his dau8htere: one that marriedLouclss and one that married lir. William Atwell,C,„ What Wa2 the appearance of Aaron Askew so far as indicative ofracial appearance? A. The old acntio=an was very dark complected,He had the appearance of an Indian to me l always. Of coarse, that izthe way I ak,derstand it, I wao raised partly in tlie CrkSk nation,Q4 Vat about his oheek bones? A, .•;ell, as I lwve said before, hehad the appearance of an indiwa in tie face, His cheek bones were high;,.nd. 1113 liair blac.k and 4itrait.(;., • You remember anything about his beard? A. My reatebrance is that henevr:r wore a long blb.rd; nt3 wa63 a guln hi aved„ it WU3 not thecustom ir those days V3 it iL3 now to wear beard,0, 0 Lo you remember at An wore on 114,,; feet? A, No Liir, 1 d) not,04, That did he wear on Itir; head? A„ He uaually or a cap. Itmdgle hi.a very conspicuous to me, I et lam ol:ter in cold weatALerhe had a rola 3f' the cap alnost covering his eyes,go What is your vocation? A, I have been afamer all my life andawl a mini3tr o_ the govul,Wh4t Coonad,inatlun? A. „5vutern Liet4flodiot,4, 'Aaron Askew ww3 minitr of 1;hu Bz.i,oLiat cwArch I believe? A, Yessir, that wa, .14i;3 po3ition in tiochura4,(;„ Can you ui4y oi t race of people Aaron Askew was? A, ell, nosir,Q„ Did you ever hear Aaron Askew or any of hiu fmily state from what

Waich one Of the Askews did you ever hear say that he oue tee indian?A. Merle. I was better acquainted with him than any of the others,41. Did you know Toe A. I don't remexeber mach aboat Tom. knewand that wao all.Q, Lid you ever hear Tom claim to be an Indian? A, No sir l I hadno acquaintance with him, I merely knew him when I saw him,S. Did yeu know Mose Askew? A. Yes sir *q. Did you ever hear 'Mose claim to be an indiae A 0 I don't knowthat I ever did *5. Haw Leary of the girls did you know? Ae One id all that I everhad any acquaintance viith.5. Did you ever hear her olaim to be an indian ? A, Never did, asI was never in her company very much *q t. Who did you ever hear say that Merle Askew waz an indian?A.I haveheard 'my father and my uncles say it, end have said it myself,5. How did your father and your uncles and you know that he wao anindian? A. Because it was generally known by all the citizens thatthey were indians,That is tee way you knew it then? A, Well I knew it erom theappearance, They never denied it any of teem.S, Can you tell,from their appearance, what tribe of indians theybelonged to. A, No sir s I could not, I ae not well enougl aceaaintedwith indiana to do that * I suppose the Cherokees- Cree .ka s andChicasawe all look about alike,5, Was Lauderdale County ever a part Of the indian country?think it via:; sir.Q. Do you know to What tribe of Indians Lauderdale county belonGed?A. I think Lauderdale county eeionEed to the Cherokees *Aaron an LBO.° Askew were preaches were they not? A. Sir,04, Vieee they teeeted in this country as reepectelele wixite people?A, Yea sir,Direct I3zaelination,By Mr, Normal *Lir.3. 'Nelker, a witness, testifies as follows to-wit:

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