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F-6NO DEVIATION CONFIRMATION(Tender/ Bid Document No. ____________________)GAIL India Limited,Dear Sir,We understand that any deviation/ exception in any form may result in rejection of bid. We,therefore, certify that we have not taken any exceptions/ deviations anywhere in the bid andwe agree that if any deviation is mentioned or noticed, our bid may be rejected.Note: This NO DEVIATION CONFIRMATION should be written on the letterhead of the bidderindicating tender ref. no. duly signed and stamped with date by a person competentand having the power of attorney to bind the bidder._________________________________(SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF BIDDER)\\Rajesh\RAJESH\Cavery\Tender\Construction Tender-Vol - I of II.doc

F-7CERTIFICATEGAIL India Limited,Dear Sir,If, we become a successful bidder and pursuant to the provisions of the Bidding Documentsand contract is awarded to us the following certificate shall be automatically enforceable:‘We agree and acknowledge that the Employer is entering into the Agreement solely on itsown behalf and not on behalf of any other person or entity. In particular, it is expresslyunderstood and agreed that the Government of India is not a party to the Agreement andhas no liabilities, obligations or rights there under. It is expressly understood and agreedthat the Employer is authorised to enter into Agreement, solely on its own behalf under theapplicable laws of India. We expressly agree, acknowledge and understand that theEmployer is not an agent, representative or delegate of the Government of India. It isfurther understood and agreed that the Government of India is not and shall not be liablefor any acts, omissions, commissions, breaches or other wrongs arising out of theAgreement. Accordingly, we hereby expressly waive, release and forego any and all actionsor claims, including cross claims, VIP claims or counterclaims against the Government ofIndia arising out of the Agreement and covenants not to sue to Government of India as toany manner, claim, cause of action or things whatsoever arising of or under theAgreement.”_________________________________(SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF BIDDER)\\Rajesh\RAJESH\Cavery\Tender\Construction Tender-Vol - I of II.doc

F-6NO DEVIATION CONFIRMATION(Tender/ Bid Document No. ____________________)<strong>GAIL</strong> <strong>India</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>,Dear Sir,We understand that any deviation/ exception in any form may result in rejection of bid. We,therefore, certify that we have not taken any exceptions/ deviations anywhere in the bid andwe agree that if any deviation is mentioned or noticed, our bid may be rejected.Note: This NO DEVIATION CONFIRMATION should be written on the letterhead of the bidderindicating tender ref. no. duly signed and stamped with date by a person competentand having the power of attorney to bind the bidder._________________________________(SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF BIDDER)\\Rajesh\RAJESH\Cavery\Tender\Construction Tender-Vol - I of II.doc

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