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also during the progress of the demolition worka) All roads and open areas adjacent to the worksite shall either be closed or suitably protected.b) No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to bea source of danger shall remain electricallycharged.c) All practical steps shall be taken to preventdanger to persons employed from risk of fire orexplosion or flooding. No floor, roof or other partof the building shall be so overloaded with debrisor materials as to render it unsafe.ii) All necessary personal safety equipment asconsidered adequate by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE,should be kept available for the use of the personsemployed on the SITE and maintained in conditionsuitable for immediate use, and the CONTRACTOR shalltake adequate steps to ensure proper use of equipmentby those concerned.a) Workers employed on mixing asphaltic materials,cement and lime mortars shall be provided withprotective footwear and protective gloves.b) Those engaged in white washing and mixing orstacking or cement bags or any material whichare injurious to the eyes be provided withprotective goggles.c) Those engaged in welding and cutting worksshall be provided with protective face & eyeshield, hand gloves, etc.d) Stone breakers shall be provided with protectivegoggles and protective clothing and seated atsufficiently safe intervals.e) When workers are employed in sewers andmanholes, which are in use, the CONTRACTORshall ensure that the manhole covers are openedand are ventilated atleast for an hour before theworkers are allowed to get into the manholes,and the manholes so opened shall be cordonedoff with suitable railing and provided with warningsignals or board to prevent accident to the public.f) The CONTRACTOR shall not employ men belowthe age of 18 years and women on the work ofpainting with products containing lead in anyform. Wherever men above the age of 18 yearsare employed on the work of lead painting, thefollowing precautions should be taken.1) No paintcontaining lead or lead product shall beused except in the form of paste orreadymade paint.

2) Suitable facemasks should be supplied for use by theworkers when paint is applied in the formof spray or a surface having lead paint dryrubbed and scrapped.3) Overalls shall besupplied by the CONTRACTOR to theworkmen and adequate facilities shall beprovided to enable the working painters towash them during and on cessation ofwork.iii)iv)When the work is done near any place where there is riskof drowning, all necessary safety equipment should beprovided and kept ready for use and all necessary stepstaken for prompt rescue of any person in danger andadequate provision should be made for prompt first aidtreatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during thecourse of the work.Use of hoisting machines and tackles including theirattachments, anchorage and supports shall conform to thefollowing standards or conditions:a) These shall be of good mechanical construction,sound materials and adequate strength and freefrom patent defect and shall be kept in goodworking order.b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials oras means of suspension shall be of durable qualityand adequate strength and free from patentdefects.c) Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shallbe properly qualified and no person under the ageof 21 years should be in charge of any hoistingmachine including any scaffolding, winch or givesignals to the operator.d) In case of every hoisting machine and of every chainring hook, shackle, swivel, and pulley block used inhoisting or lowering or as means of suspension, thesafe working load shall be ascertained by adequatemeans. Every hoisting machine and all gearsreferred to above shall be plainly marked with thesafe working load of the conditions under which it isapplicable and the same shall be clearly indicated.No part of any machine or any gear referred toabove in this paragraph shall be loaded beyondsafe working load except for the purpose of testing.e) In case of departmental machine, the safe workingload shall be notified by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. As regards CONTRACTOR'smachines, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the safeworking load of the machine to theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE whenever he brings any

also during the progress of the demolition worka) All roads and open areas adjacent to the worksite shall either be closed or suitably protected.b) No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to bea source of danger shall remain electricallycharged.c) All practical steps shall be taken to preventdanger to persons employed from risk of fire orexplosion or flooding. No floor, roof or other partof the building shall be so overloaded with debrisor materials as to render it unsafe.ii) All necessary personal safety equipment asconsidered adequate by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE,should be kept available for the use of the personsemployed on the SITE and maintained in conditionsuitable for immediate use, and the CONTRACTOR shalltake adequate steps to ensure proper use of equipmentby those concerned.a) Workers employed on mixing asphaltic materials,cement and lime mortars shall be provided withprotective footwear and protective gloves.b) Those engaged in white washing and mixing orstacking or cement bags or any material whichare injurious to the eyes be provided withprotective goggles.c) Those engaged in welding and cutting worksshall be provided with protective face & eyeshield, hand gloves, etc.d) Stone breakers shall be provided with protectivegoggles and protective clothing and seated atsufficiently safe intervals.e) When workers are employed in sewers andmanholes, which are in use, the CONTRACTORshall ensure that the manhole covers are openedand are ventilated atleast for an hour before theworkers are allowed to get into the manholes,and the manholes so opened shall be cordonedoff with suitable railing and provided with warningsignals or board to prevent accident to the public.f) The CONTRACTOR shall not employ men belowthe age of 18 years and women on the work ofpainting with products containing lead in anyform. Wherever men above the age of 18 yearsare employed on the work of lead painting, thefollowing precautions should be taken.1) No paintcontaining lead or lead product shall beused except in the form of paste orreadymade paint.

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