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ix)The CONTRACTOR shall, if desired by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, be required to execute an Indemnity Bond inthe prescribed form for safe custody and accounting of allmaterials issued by the EMPLOYER.x) The CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE sufficiently in advance a statement showing hisrequirement of the quantities of the materials to be suppliedby the EMPLOYER and the time when the same will berequired by him for the works, so as to enable theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE to make necessaryarrangements for procurement and supply of the material.xi)xii)xiii)Account of the materials issued by the EMPLOYER shallbe maintained by CONTRACTOR indicating the dailyreceipt, consumption and balance in hand. This accountshall be maintained in a manner prescribed by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE along with all connected papersviz. requisitions, issues, etc., and shall be always availablefor inspection in the CONTRACTOR's office at SITE.The CONTRACTOR should see that only the requiredquantities of materials are got issued. The CONTRACTORshall not be entitled to cartage and incidental charges forreturning the surplus materials, if any, to the storeswherefrom they were issued or to the place as directed bythe ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.Materials/Equipment(s) supplied by EMPLOYER shall notbe utilised for any purpose(s) than issued for.68 Material procured withassistance ofemployer/return of surplus:68.1 Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in any or all theclauses of this CONTRACT where any materials for the executionof the CONTRACT are procured with the assistance of theEMPLOYER either by issue from EMPLOYER's stock or purchasesmade under order or permits or licences issued by Government, theCONTRACTOR shall hold the said materials as trustee for theEMPLOYER and use such materials economically and solely for thepurpose of the CONTRACT and not dispose them off without thepermission of the EMPLOYER and return, if required by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, shall determine having due regard to thecondition of the materials. The price allowed to theCONTRACTOR, however, shall not exceed the amount charged tohim excluding the storage charges, if any. The decision of theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall be final and conclusive in suchmatters. In the event of breach of the aforesaid condition, theCONTRACTOR shall, in terms of the licences or permits and/orcriminal breach of trust, be liable to compensate the EMPLOYER atdouble rate or any higher rate, in the event of those materials at thattime having higher rate or not being available in the market, thenany other rate to be determined by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGEand his decision shall be final and conclusive.69 Materials obtained fromdismantling:69.1 If the CONTRACTOR in the course of execution of the WORK iscalled upon to dismantle any part for reasons other than thosestipulated in Clauses 74 and 77 hereunder, the materials obtainedin the WORK of dismantling etc., will be considered as the

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