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drawings for fast wearing spares.54.2 The CONTRACTOR guarantees the EMPLOYER that before themanufacturers of the equipments, plants and machineries go outof production of spare parts for the equipment furnished anderected by him, he shall give at least twelve (12) months'advance notice to the EMPLOYER, so that the latter may orderhis requirement of spares in one lot, if he so desires.SECTION-VPerformance of Work55 Execution of work: 55.1 All the Works shall be executed in strict conformity with theprovisions of the CONTRACT Documents and with suchexplanatory detailed drawings, specification and instructions asmay be furnished from time to time to the CONTRACTOR by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE whether mentioned in the CONTRACTor not. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring thatworks throughout are executed in the most substantial, properand workmanlike manner with the quality of material andworkmanship in strict accordance with the SPECIFICATIONS andto the entire satisfaction of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. TheCONTRACTOR shall provide all necessary materials equipmentlabour etc. for execution and maintenance of WORK tillcompletion unless otherwise mentioned in the CONTRACT.56 Co-ordination and inspectionof work:56.1 The coordination and inspection of the day-to-day work under theCONTRACT shall be the responsibility of theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. The written instruction regarding anyparticular job will normally be passed by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE or his authorised representative. Awork order book will be maintained by the CONTRACTOR foreach sector in which the aforesaid written instructions will beentered. These will be signed by the CONTRACTOR or hisauthorised representative by way of acknowledgement within 12hours.57 Work in monsoon anddewatering:57.1 Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in the tender, the executionof the WORK may entail working in the monsoon also. TheCONTRACTOR must maintain a minimum labour force as maybe required for the job and plan and execute the construction anderection according to the prescribed schedule. No extra rate willbe considered for such work in monsoon.57.2 During monsoon and other period, it shall be the responsibility ofthe CONTRACTOR to keep the construction work site free fromwater at his own cost.58 Work on sundays andholidays:58.1 For carrying out Work on Sundays, and Holidays, theCONTRACTOR will approach the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE or hisrepresentative at least two days in advance and obtainpermission in writing. The CONTRACTOR shall observe alllabour laws and other statutory rules and regulations in force. Incase of any violations of such laws, rules and regulations,consequence if any, including the cost thereto shall be exclusively

orne by the CONTRACTOR and the EMPLOYER shall have noliability whatsoever on this account.59 General conditions forconstruction and erectionwork:59.1 The working time at the site of work is 48 hours per week.Overtime work is permitted in cases of need and the EMPLOYERwill not compensate the same. Shift working at 2 or 3 shifts perday will become necessary and the CONTRACTOR should takethis aspect into consideration for formulating his rates forquotation. No extra claims will be entertained by the EMPLOYERno this account. For carrying out work beyond working hours theCONTRACTOR will approach the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE or hisauthorised representative and obtain his prior written permission.59.2 The CONTRACTOR must arrange for the placement of workersin such a way that the delayed completion of the WORK or anypart thereof for any reason whatsoever will not affect their properemployment. The EMPLOYER will not entertain any claim for idletime payment whatsoever.59.3 The CONTRACTOR shall submit to theEMPLOYER/ENGINEER-IN- CHARGE reports at regularintervals regarding the state and progress of WORK. The detailsand proforma of the report will mutually be agreed after the awardof CONTRACT. The CONTRACTOR shall provide displayboards showing progress and labour strengths at worksite, asdirected by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.60 Alterations in specifications,design and extra works:60.1 The WORK covered under this CONTRACT having to beexecuted by the CONTRACTOR on a lumpsum firm price/itemrate quoted by him, the EMPLOYER will not accept any proposalsfor changes in VALUE OF CONTRACT or extension in time onaccount of any such changes which may arise to theCONTRACTOR's scope of WORK as a result of detailedEngineering and thereafter during the execution of WORK. Theonly exception to this will be a case where the EMPLOYERrequests in writing to the CONTRACTOR to upgrade theSPECIFICATIONS or the size of any major pieces of equipments,plant or machinery beyond what is normally required to meet thescope of WORK as defined in the CONTRACT DOCUMENT.In such cases, a change order will be initialled by theCONTRACTOR at the appropriate time for the EMPLOYER'sprior approval giving the full back-up data for their review and forfinal settlement of any impact on price within 30 (thirty) daysthereafter.60.2 The ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall have to make any alterationsin, omission from, additions to or substitutions for, the Schedule ofRates, the original specifications, drawings, designs andinstructions that may appear to him to be necessary or advisableduring the progress of the WORK and the CONTRACTOR shallbe bound to carry out the such altered/ extra/ new items of WORKin accordance with any instructions which may be given to him inwriting signed by the ENGINEER-IN- CHARGE, and suchalterations, omissions, additions or substitutions shall notinvalidate the CONTRACT and any altered, additional orsubstituted work which the CONTRACTOR may be directed to doin the manner above specified as part of the WORK shall be

drawings for fast wearing spares.54.2 The CONTRACTOR guarantees the EMPLOYER that before themanufacturers of the equipments, plants and machineries go outof production of spare parts for the equipment furnished anderected by him, he shall give at least twelve (12) months'advance notice to the EMPLOYER, so that the latter may orderhis requirement of spares in one lot, if he so desires.SECTION-VPerformance of Work55 Execution of work: 55.1 All the Works shall be executed in strict conformity with theprovisions of the CONTRACT Documents and with suchexplanatory detailed drawings, specification and instructions asmay be furnished from time to time to the CONTRACTOR by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE whether mentioned in the CONTRACTor not. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring thatworks throughout are executed in the most substantial, properand workmanlike manner with the quality of material andworkmanship in strict accordance with the SPECIFICATIONS andto the entire satisfaction of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. TheCONTRACTOR shall provide all necessary materials equipmentlabour etc. for execution and maintenance of WORK tillcompletion unless otherwise mentioned in the CONTRACT.56 Co-ordination and inspectionof work:56.1 The coordination and inspection of the day-to-day work under theCONTRACT shall be the responsibility of theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. The written instruction regarding anyparticular job will normally be passed by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE or his authorised representative. Awork order book will be maintained by the CONTRACTOR foreach sector in which the aforesaid written instructions will beentered. These will be signed by the CONTRACTOR or hisauthorised representative by way of acknowledgement within 12hours.57 Work in monsoon anddewatering:57.1 Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in the tender, the executionof the WORK may entail working in the monsoon also. TheCONTRACTOR must maintain a minimum labour force as maybe required for the job and plan and execute the construction anderection according to the prescribed schedule. No extra rate willbe considered for such work in monsoon.57.2 During monsoon and other period, it shall be the responsibility ofthe CONTRACTOR to keep the construction work site free fromwater at his own cost.58 Work on sundays andholidays:58.1 For carrying out Work on Sundays, and Holidays, theCONTRACTOR will approach the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE or hisrepresentative at least two days in advance and obtainpermission in writing. The CONTRACTOR shall observe alllabour laws and other statutory rules and regulations in force. Incase of any violations of such laws, rules and regulations,consequence if any, including the cost thereto shall be exclusively

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