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the CONTRACTOR before starting-up the work shall inconsultation with the Electrical, Mechanical, Intercommunication,Air-conditioning contractor and other agencies prepare andput-up a joint scheme, showing the necessary openings,grooves, recesses, cuts, the methods of fixing required for theWORK of the aforesaid, and the finishes therein, to theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE and get the approval. TheCONTRACTOR before finally submitting the scheme to theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, shall have the written agreement ofthe other agencies. The ENGINEER- IN-CHARGE, beforecommunicating his approval to the scheme, with any requiredmodification, shall get the final agreement of all the agencies,which shall be binding. No claim shall be entertained on accountof the above.The CONTRACTOR shall confirm in all respects with provision ofany statutory regulations, ordinances or byelaws of any local orduly constituted authorities or public bodies which may beapplicable from time to time to the WORK or any temporaryworks. The CONTRACTOR shall keep the EMPLOYERindemnified against all penalties and liabilities of every kind,arising out of non- adherance to such stains, ordinances, laws,rules, regulations, etc.40 Other agencies at site: 40.1 The CONTRACTOR shall have to execute the WORK in suchplace and conditions where other agencies will also be engagedfor other works such as site grading, filling, and levelling,electrical and mechanical engineering works, etc. No claim shallbe entertained due to WORK being executed in the abovecircumstances.41 Notice: 41.1 TO THE CONTRACTOR:Any notice hereunder may be served on the CONTRACTOR orhis duly authorised representative at the job site or may beserved by registered mail direct to the address furnished by theCONTRACTOR. Proof of issue of any such notice could beconclusive of the CONTRACTOR having been duly informed ofall contents therein.41.2 TO THE EMPLOYER:Any notice to be given to the EMPLOYER under the terms of theCONTRACTOR shall be served by sending the same byRegistered mail to or delivering the same at the respective siteoffices of M/S. <strong>GAIL</strong> (INDIA) LTD. addressed to theHEAD/SITE-IN-CHARGE.42 Right of variousinterests:42.1 i) The EMPLOYER reserves the right to distribute the workbetween more than one agency(ies). TheCONTRACTOR shall cooperate and afford otheragency(ies) reasonable opportunity for access to theWORK for the carriage and storage of materials andexecution of their works.ii)Wherever the work being done by any department of theEMPLOYER or by other agency(ies) employed by theEMPLOYER is contingent upon WORK covered by thisCONTRACT, the respective rights of the variousinterests involved shall be determined by the

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