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contractor or by other means, at the risk and cost of theCONTRACTOR, and any of his sureties if any, shall beliable to the EMPLOYER for any excess cost occasionedby such work having to be so taken over and completedby the EMPLOYER over and above the cost at the ratesspecified in the schedule of quantities and rate/prices.b) WITHOUT DETERMINING THE CONTRACT totake over the work of the CONTRACTOR or any partthereof and complete the same through a freshcontractor or by other means at the risk and cost of theCONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR and any of hissureties are liable to the EMPLOYER for any excesscost over and above the cost at the rates specified in theSchedule of Quantities/ rates, occasioned by such workshaving been taken over and completed by theEMPLOYER.29.2 In such events of Clause 29.1(a) or (b) above.a) The whole or part of the Contract PerformanceSecurity furnished by the CONTRACTOR is liable to beforfeited without prejudice to the right of the EMPLOYERto recover from the CONTRACTOR the excess costreferred to in the sub-clause aforesaid, the EMPLOYERshall also have the right of taking possession andutilising in completing the works or any part thereof, suchas materials equipment and plants available at work sitebelonging to the CONTRACTOR as may be necessaryand the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled for anycompensation for use or damage to such materials,equipment and plant.b) The amount that may have become due to theCONTRACTOR on account of work already executed byhim shall not be payable to him until after the expiry ofSix (6) calendar months reckoned from the date oftermination of CONTRACT or from the taking over of theWORK or part thereof by the EMPLOYER as the casemay be, during which period the responsibility for faultymaterials or workmanship in respect of such work shall,under the CONTRACT, rest exclusively with theCONTRACTOR. This amount shall be subject todeduction of any amounts due from the CONTRACT tothe EMPLOYER under the terms of the CONTRACTauthorised or required to be reserved or retained by theEMPLOYER.29.3 Before determining the CONTRACT as per Clause 29.1(a) or (b)provided in the judgement of the EMPLOYER, the default ordefaults committed by the CONTRACTOR is/are curable and canbe cured by the CONTRACTOR if an opportunity given to him,then the EMPLOYER may issue Notice in writing calling theCONTRACTOR to cure the default within such time specified inthe Notice.29.4 The EMPLOYER shall also have the right to proceed or takeaction as per 29.1(a) or (b) above, in the event that theCONTRACTOR becomes bankrupt, insolvent, compounds withhis creditors, assigns the CONTRACT in favour of his creditors

or any other person or persons, or being a company or acorporation goes into voluntary liquidation, provided that in thesaid events it shall not be necessary for the EMPLOYER to giveany prior notice to the CONTRACTOR.30 Contractor remains liableto pay compensation ifaction not taken underclause 29:29.5 Termination of the CONTRACT as provided for in sub- clause29.1(a) above shall not prejudice or affect their rights of theEMPLOYER which may have accrued upto the date of suchtermination.30.1 In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon theEMPLOYER BY CLAUSE 29.0 thereof shall have becomeexercisable and the same had not been exercised, thenon-exercise thereof shall not constitute a waiver of any of theconditions hereof and such powers shall notwithstanding beexercisable in .the event of any further case of default by theCONTRACTOR for which by any clause or clauses hereof he isdeclared liable to pay compensation amounting to the whole ofhis Contract Performance Security, and the liability of theCONTRACTOR for past and future compensation shall remainunaffected. In the event of the EMPLOYER putting in force thepower under above sub-clause (a), (b) or (c) vested in him underthe preceding clause he may, if he so desired, take possession ofall or any tools, and plants, materials and stores in or upon theworks or the site thereof belonging to the CONTRACTOR orprocured by him and intended to be used for the execution of theWORK or any part thereof paying or allowing for the same inaccount at the CONTRACT rates or in case of these not beingapplicable at current market rates to be certified by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE whose certificate thereof shall be final,otherwise the ENGINEER-IN- CHARGE may give notice inwriting to the CONTRACTOR or his clerk of the works, foremanor other authorised agent, requiring him to remove such tools,plant, materials or stores from the premises (within a time to bespecified in such notice), and in the event of the CONTRACTORfailing to comply with any such requisition, theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE may remove them at theCONTRACTOR's expense or sell them by auction or private saleon account of the CONTRACTOR and at his risk in all respectswithout any further notice as to the date, time or place of sale andthe certificate of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE as to the expensesof any such removal and the amount of the proceeds andexpenses of any such sale shall be final and conclusive againstthe CONTRACTOR.31 Change in constitution: 31.1 Where the CONTRACTOR is a partnership firm, the priorapproval of the EMPLOYER shall be obtained in writing, beforeany change is made in the constitution of the firm. Where theCONTRACTOR is an individual or a Hindu undivided familybusiness concern, such approval as aforesaid shall,likewise beobtained before such CONTRACTOR enters into any agreementwith other parties, where under, the reconstituted firm would havethe right to carry out the work hereby undertaken by theCONTRACTOR. In either case if prior approval as aforesaid isnot obtained, the CONTRACT shall be deemed to have beenallotted in contravention of clause 37 hereof and the same actionmay be taken and the same consequence shall ensure asprovided in the said clause.32 Termination of contract 32(A) TERMINATION OF CONTRACT FOR DEATH:

contractor or by other means, at the risk and cost of theCONTRACTOR, and any of his sureties if any, shall beliable to the EMPLOYER for any excess cost occasionedby such work having to be so taken over and completedby the EMPLOYER over and above the cost at the ratesspecified in the schedule of quantities and rate/prices.b) WITHOUT DETERMINING THE CONTRACT totake over the work of the CONTRACTOR or any partthereof and complete the same through a freshcontractor or by other means at the risk and cost of theCONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR and any of hissureties are liable to the EMPLOYER for any excesscost over and above the cost at the rates specified in theSchedule of Quantities/ rates, occasioned by such workshaving been taken over and completed by theEMPLOYER.29.2 In such events of Clause 29.1(a) or (b) above.a) The whole or part of the Contract PerformanceSecurity furnished by the CONTRACTOR is liable to beforfeited without prejudice to the right of the EMPLOYERto recover from the CONTRACTOR the excess costreferred to in the sub-clause aforesaid, the EMPLOYERshall also have the right of taking possession andutilising in completing the works or any part thereof, suchas materials equipment and plants available at work sitebelonging to the CONTRACTOR as may be necessaryand the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled for anycompensation for use or damage to such materials,equipment and plant.b) The amount that may have become due to theCONTRACTOR on account of work already executed byhim shall not be payable to him until after the expiry ofSix (6) calendar months reckoned from the date oftermination of CONTRACT or from the taking over of theWORK or part thereof by the EMPLOYER as the casemay be, during which period the responsibility for faultymaterials or workmanship in respect of such work shall,under the CONTRACT, rest exclusively with theCONTRACTOR. This amount shall be subject todeduction of any amounts due from the CONTRACT tothe EMPLOYER under the terms of the CONTRACTauthorised or required to be reserved or retained by theEMPLOYER.29.3 Before determining the CONTRACT as per Clause 29.1(a) or (b)provided in the judgement of the EMPLOYER, the default ordefaults committed by the CONTRACTOR is/are curable and canbe cured by the CONTRACTOR if an opportunity given to him,then the EMPLOYER may issue Notice in writing calling theCONTRACTOR to cure the default within such time specified inthe Notice.29.4 The EMPLOYER shall also have the right to proceed or takeaction as per 29.1(a) or (b) above, in the event that theCONTRACTOR becomes bankrupt, insolvent, compounds withhis creditors, assigns the CONTRACT in favour of his creditors

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