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17 Award of Contract: 17.1 The Acceptance of Tender will be intimated to the successful Tendererby <strong>GAIL</strong> either by Telex/ Telegram/ Fax or by Letter or likemeans-defined as LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER.17.2 <strong>GAIL</strong> will be the sole judge in the matter of award of CONTRACT andthe decision of <strong>GAIL</strong> shall be final and binding.18 Clarification of TenderDocument:18.1 The Tender is required to carefully examine the TechnicalSpecifications, Conditions of Contract, Drawings and other detailsrelating to WORK and given in Tender Document and fully informhimself as to all conditions and matters which may in any way affectthe WORK or the cost thereof. In case the Tenderer is in doubt aboutthe completeness or correctness of any of the contents of the TenderDocuments he should request in writing for aninterpretation/clarification to <strong>GAIL</strong> in triplicate. <strong>GAIL</strong> will then issueinterpretation/clarification to Tenderer in writing. Such clarificationsand or interpretations shall form part of the Specifications andDocuments and shall accompany the tender which shall be submittedby tenderer within time and date as specified in invitations to tender.18.2 Verbal clarification and information given by <strong>GAIL</strong> or its employee(s) orits representatives shall not in any way be binding on <strong>GAIL</strong>.19 Local Conditions: 19.1 It will be imperative on each tenderer to inform himself of all localconditions and factors which may have any effect on the execution ofWORK covered under the Tender Document. In their own interest, thetenderer are requested to familiarise themselves with the <strong>India</strong>nIncome Tax Act 1961, <strong>India</strong>n Companies Act 1956, <strong>India</strong>n CustomsAct 1962 and other related Acts and Laws and Regulations of <strong>India</strong>with their latest amendments, as applicable <strong>GAIL</strong> shall not entertainany requests for clarifications from the tenderer regarding such localconditions.19.2 It must be understood and agreed that such factors have properly beeninvestigated and considered while submitting the tender. No claim forfinancial or any other adjustments to VALUE OF CONTRACT, on lackof clarity of such factors shall be entertained.20 Abnormal Rates: 20.1 The tenderer is expected to quote rate for each item after carefulanalysis of cost involved for the performance of the completed itemconsidering all specifications and Conditions of Contract. This willavoid loss of profit or gain in case of curtailment or change ofspecification for any item. In case it is noticed that the rates quoted bythe tenderer for any item are unusually high or unusually low, it will besufficient cause for the rejection of the tender unless the EMPLOYERis convinced about the reasonableness after scrutiny of the analysis forsuch rate(s) to be furnished by the tenderer (on demand).Section-IV.General Obligations21 Priority of ContractDocuments21.1 Except if and the extent otherwise provided by the Contract, theprovisions of the General Conditions of Contract and SpecialConditions shall prevail over those of any other documentsforming part of the CONTRACT. Several documents forming theCONTRACT are to be taken as mutually explanatory of oneanother, but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies the sameshall be explained and adjusted by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE

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