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tenders received without assigning any reason whatsoever. At theoption of the Employer, the work for which the tender had been invited,may be awarded to one Contractor or split between more than onebidders, in which case the award will be made for only that part of thework, in respect of which the bid has been accepted. The quoted ratesshould hold good for such eventualities.Tenders in which any of the particulars and prescribed information aremissing or are incomplete in any respect and/or the prescribedconditions are not fulfilled are liable to be rejected. The Tendercontaining uncalled for remarks or any additional conditions are liableto be rejected.Canvassing in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited andtenders submitted by the Tenderers who resort to canvassing will beliable to rejection.10 Time Schedule 10.1 The WORK shall be executed strictly as per the TIME SCHEDULEspecified in TENDER/CONTRACT Document. The period ofconstruction given in Time Schedule includes the time required formobilisation as well as testing, rectifications if any, retesting andcompletion in all respects to the entire satisfaction of theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE.10.2 A joint programme of execution of the WORK will be prepared by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE and CONTRACTOR based on priorityrequirement of this project. This programme will take into account thetime of completion mentioned in 10.1 above and the time allowed forthe priority works by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.10.3 Monthly/Weekly construction programme will; be drawn up by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE jointly with the CONTRACTOR, based onavailability of work fronts and the joint construction programme as per10.2 above. The CONTRACTOR shall scrupulously adhere to thesetargets /programmes by deploying adequate personnel, constructiontools and tackles and he shall also supply himself all materials of hisscope of supply in good time to achieve the targets/programmes. In allmatters concerning the extent of targets set out in the weekly andmonthly programmes and the degree of achievements the decision ofthe ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE will be final and binding on theCONTRACTOR.11 Tenderer’s Responsibility 11.1 The intending tenderers shall be deemed to have visited the SITE andfamiliarised submitting the tender. Non-familiarity with the siteconditions will not be considered a reason either for extra claims or fornot carrying out the works in strict conformity with the DRAWINGS andSPECIFICATIONS or for any delay in performance.12 Retired Government orCompany Officers12.1 No Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted Officer employed inEngineering or Administrative duties in an Engineering Department ofthe States/ Central Government or of the EMPLOYER is allowed towork as a CONTRACTOR for a period of two years after his retirementfrom Government Service, or from the employment of the EMPLOYERwithout the previous permission of the EMPLOYER. The CONTRACT,if awarded, is liable to be cancelled if either the CONTRACTOR or anyof his employees is found at any time to be such a person, who hasnot obtained the permission of the State/Central Government or of theEMPLOYER as aforesaid before submission of tender, or engagementin the CONTRACTOR'S service as the case may be.

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