Fire Alarm Control Panels - Bosch Security Systems

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80 en | Control Panel Programming Fire Alarm Control PanelsFor example, if the necessary wait time is 30 sec, digits 14 through 16 should be 0, 3, 0respectively.In larger installation sites using alternate communications as a destination, set the wait timeto a higher value to compensate for network congestion delays. This wait time is also used forthe heartbeat acknowledge wait time. This is calculated using the following formula:Value = (D14 X 100 + D15 X 10 + D16), where DXX is a digit number from the table entitled IPaddress digit or bit location, 79. If the programmed value exceeds 255, it is read as 255.A time-out on an alternate communication path is treated the same way as a negativeacknowledgement and results in the same event routing default scheme used with phonereporting to the central station. This allows alternate communications to be the primary orsecondary reporting paths to an actual phone number for a single reporting destination.For the alternate communications path, see the following table:Attempt Primary phone line (phone 1) Secondary phone line (phone 2)1 1st phone number2 2nd phone number3 1st phone number4 2nd phone number5 2nd phone number6 1st phone number7 1st phone number8 2nd phone number9 2nd phone number10 1st phone numberTable 8.6: Phone reportingHeartbeat Interval (HB) or Polling Time – Digits 17 to 19, Recommended: 240This interval is a value between 1 and 255 that indicates the number of seconds betweenheartbeat events sent from the control panel. The heartbeat event is sent only when thecommunication path is idle for at least the programmed heartbeat interval period of time. Thevalue is stored in phone number digits 17 through 19 with 17 being the most significant orfirst digit. A value of zero in these locations disables the heartbeat feature. These digits arealways zero in the remote programmer phone number. Use the following formula to calculatethis value:Value = (D17 x 100 + D18 x 10 + D19), where DXX is a digit number from the table entitled IPaddress digit or bit location, 79. If the value programmed exceeds 255, it is read as 255.The heartbeat feature is an acknowledged test event sent to the central station receiver over anetwork connection. This event does not appear at the central station, and it is not logged inthe control panel as an actual event. The heartbeat event is used as a periodic test of thevirtual circuit between the control panel and the networked receiver. The heartbeat event istransmitted as a null‐Modem IIIa 2 event that uses only the first four digits of the account codefor Area 1. The event format always remains the same regardless of the communicationprotocol formats available in the control panel.For acceptable programming selections for UL864 9 th edition Listed applications, seeProgramming features for UL864, 49.2012.08 | 04 | F01U008458 Installation and Operation Manual Bosch Security System, Inc.

Fire Alarm Control Panels Control Panel Programming | en 81Anti-Replay – Digit 20, Default: 1Digit 20 of the phone number enables the Anti-Replay Feature for central stationcommunications. A zero in this location disables this feature. This digit is always zero in theremote programmer phone number.The purpose of Anti-Replay is to prevent malicious or accidental repetition of event packets tothe central station network receiver. A communication packet can be recorded on a networkand replayed in its entirety as if it came from the control panel. If for some reason the packetsbecome out of sequence, the communication path generates a communications failure eventand must be manually resynchronized.Port NumbersShortcut: 0-PROG, 6-PROG ACC’NTS, 1-PHONE/IP NUMSThe port numbers identify the control panel when it sends reports to the Netcom module. (Fornormal installation, set this to 07700).The display scrolls through the Phone or IP Number options. Press [2] for PORT NUMS. Thefollowing window appears:PORT #1: 00000NEW NUMBER: 00000The existing number is shown on the top line. Enter the new number on the second line andpress [#/Enter]. The previous window appears. Enter hexadecimal digits A through F bypressing [Test] followed by [1] for A, [2] for B, [3] for C, [4] for D, [5] for E and [6] for F.iNotice!For more information about using Netcom communications, see also the Installation Guides forthe B420 models, the DX4020, or the ITS-DX4020-G.FormatShortcut: 0-PROG, 6-PROG ACC’NTS, 1-PHONE/IP NUMSUse this feature to select which communication format to use or to disable communication forthe phone or IP number. To disable the dialer, set the format for Phone Lines 1 and 2 todisabled and turn off the monitoring feature of both lines.The display scrolls through the Phone or IP Number options. Press [3] for FORMAT. Thefollowing window appears:PHONE/IP FORMAT ( )0- DISABLE1- 3/1 REPORT2- 4/2 REPORT3- BSFK REPORT4- SIA, 110 RPRT5- CONTACT ID6- SIA, 300 RPRT7- MDM 3A2Press the number key that corresponds to your selection. The previous window appears.Bosch Security System, Inc. Installation and Operation Manual 2012.08 | 04 | F01U008458

<strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Alarm</strong> <strong>Control</strong> <strong>Panels</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Panel Programming | en 81Anti-Replay – Digit 20, Default: 1Digit 20 of the phone number enables the Anti-Replay Feature for central stationcommunications. A zero in this location disables this feature. This digit is always zero in theremote programmer phone number.The purpose of Anti-Replay is to prevent malicious or accidental repetition of event packets tothe central station network receiver. A communication packet can be recorded on a networkand replayed in its entirety as if it came from the control panel. If for some reason the packetsbecome out of sequence, the communication path generates a communications failure eventand must be manually resynchronized.Port NumbersShortcut: 0-PROG, 6-PROG ACC’NTS, 1-PHONE/IP NUMSThe port numbers identify the control panel when it sends reports to the Netcom module. (Fornormal installation, set this to 07700).The display scrolls through the Phone or IP Number options. Press [2] for PORT NUMS. Thefollowing window appears:PORT #1: 00000NEW NUMBER: 00000The existing number is shown on the top line. Enter the new number on the second line andpress [#/Enter]. The previous window appears. Enter hexadecimal digits A through F bypressing [Test] followed by [1] for A, [2] for B, [3] for C, [4] for D, [5] for E and [6] for F.iNotice!For more information about using Netcom communications, see also the Installation Guides forthe B420 models, the DX4020, or the ITS-DX4020-G.FormatShortcut: 0-PROG, 6-PROG ACC’NTS, 1-PHONE/IP NUMSUse this feature to select which communication format to use or to disable communication forthe phone or IP number. To disable the dialer, set the format for Phone Lines 1 and 2 todisabled and turn off the monitoring feature of both lines.The display scrolls through the Phone or IP Number options. Press [3] for FORMAT. Thefollowing window appears:PHONE/IP FORMAT ( )0- DISABLE1- 3/1 REPORT2- 4/2 REPORT3- BSFK REPORT4- SIA, 110 RPRT5- CONTACT ID6- SIA, 300 RPRT7- MDM 3A2Press the number key that corresponds to your selection. The previous window appears.<strong>Bosch</strong> <strong>Security</strong> System, Inc. Installation and Operation Manual 2012.08 | 04 | F01U008458

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