Newsletter - Mercy Corps

Newsletter - Mercy Corps

Newsletter - Mercy Corps


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PPM DOTSQuarterly Issue January - March 2013Advocacy, Communicationand Social Mobilization(ACSM) ProjectThe ACSM activities were carriedout in 57 districts throughout thecountryWorld TB Day- March 24WTB Day commemorations wereheld all over the PPM districts,throughout the week. Variousactivities were conducted incollaboration with partners andleadership of PTPsCapacity Building of FieldOfficersA series of capacity buildingworkshops were conducted inIslamabad, Lahore and Karachi forthe field staff which are the back boneof the projectInter Provincial Meetingth47 IPM for quarter 4 2012 was heldon March 7 & 8, 2013 hosted byNational TB Control Program(NTP). All the provincial TB controlprograms, Principal Recipients andSub Recipients attended. PPMenjoyed high priority, innovativeapproaches appreciated. Strategicdecisions madeSigning Ceremony Innovative Activity on WTB Day <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> Facilitating the WorkshopCompletion of TB Advocacy,Communication and SocialMobilization (ACSM) programPR-SR Coordination Meeting-May 25, 2011<strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> is the Principal Recipient (PR) ofGlobal Fund's Consolidated Program, whichstarted in October 2007; the ACSM part of theproject has successfully been completed in March2013. The midterm evaluation has been done andend of project evaluation is under wayThe ACSM activities were carried out in 57 districts ofPakistan through sub-recipients (SRs); Association forCommunity Development, Aga Khan Foundation,Association for Social Development, BridgeConsultants Foundation, Integrated Health Services,<strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> Implementation Unit, National TBControl Program. BDN and PATA were also SRs forsome period of time.Main activities under the project included mass mediacampaign through print and electronic media,orientation for policy makers, opinion leaders andcelebrity role models, implementation of communitybasedACSM activities, trainings for journalists,establishment of community coalitions, sensitizationof key advocates and opinion leaders, and workshopsfor healthcare and service providers in InterpersonalCommunication (IPC) and Quality Assurance (QA)and the overall achievement remained above 97% .The ACSM activities specifically focused onvulnerable communities including women andadolescent girls. In addition, football clubs wereestablished in 25 schools of 5 project districts. Playingmaterial and kits were provided to the players throughNIKE aid.PR conducted regular field visits to ensure qualityimplementation and to provide on-site technicalsupport to the field staff.Meeting TB Patient, District Hunza-June 2011<strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> acknowledge extended support of NationalTB Control Program (NTP) and Provincial TB ControlPrograms (PTPs) throughout the implementationperiod.Service Providers in Interpersonal CommunicationWorkshop-March 2011PPM <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong>

PPM DOTSPR-SR Coordination Meeting-February 2013PR-SR Coordination Meeting-February 2013Capacity Building Workshop for SRs Field Staff,Lahore-March 2013PR-SR Coordination Meeting“Coordination is important at all levels” a two dayPR-SR Coordination Meeting was held atMargalla Hotel on Feb 11 & 12, 2013. All the sixSRs working Association for CommunityDevelopment (ACD), Association for SocialDevelopment (ASD), Green Star SocialMarketing (GSM), Bridge Consultant Foundation(BCF), <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> Implementation Unit (MC-PIU) and Pakistan Lion youth Council (PLYC)participated in the discussions and presentation.Participants of the coordination meeting wereupdated on the status SSF. It has been approvedby The Global Fund and Implementation willbegin after grant signing in April 2013MoU signing with WAPDA was done. PTPPunjab and its Manager were acknowledged andappreciated by all, regarding this achievementD.G WAPDA, PTP Manager and Senior ProgramManager, PR Signing MoU-February 2013Mr. Ibrahim, DFO, GSM, Receiving Certificate fromSenior Program Manager, <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong>-March 2013Participatory approach was adopted to answer thefield related challenges/issues being faced by theField Officers and District Field Officers.Capacity Building Workshop onTB DOTS for FieldOfficers and District Field OfficersPR-SR Coordination Meeting-February 2013Senior Program Manager PR Unit <strong>Mercy</strong> Corpemphasized the role of enhanced monitoring andevaluation. Analysis of phase 1 was done andlessons learnt were discussed.I n d i v i d u a l p r o j e c t p r e s e n t a t i o n s o nimplementation, achievements and challengeswere presented by the SRs. Decisions were madebacked by actions and deadlines.Dr. Darakshan Badar , PTP Manager During the SRFiled Staff Training, Lahore-March 2013Participants were encouraged to share theirconcerns, questions and issues they faced duringDOTS implementation in their respectivedistricts.Inter Provincial Meeting UpdatesPPM, its implementation and challenges werediscussed at the broader forum of IPMThe improvement in case detection from 29% to53 % was appreciated, but concerns over the paceof project were shown, special attention is to begiven to the nonfunctional GPs.Enhanced M&E and DTC support to PPM isrecognized as key factors in the projectThree capacity building workshop wereconducted for PPM, SRs, Field Officers andDistrict Field Officers in Islamabad, Lahore andKarachi by <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> in collaboration with theNational & Provincial TB Control Program.These workshops were focused to strengthen thecapacity project staff .the technical supportprovided by Bridge and ACD is highlyappreciatedDFO is Receiving Certificate from Dr. Akmal Naveed,Director ACD-March 2013PPM <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong>

PPM DOTSWorld TB DaythTuberculosis remains a major disease of public health importance in Pakistan being 5 among HBCPakistan bears 50% of TB disease burden in theEastern Mediterranean Region and ranks 5thamongst 22 high burden disease countries. About420, 000 new cases are added annually to this grimscenario. National TB Control Program isresponsible for overall TB control activities inPakistan and many efforts have been taken in thisregard since 2005.The day leads to raise awareness about TB-relatedproblems, discuss solutions, and to supportworldwide TB-control efforts. TB is still a majorproblem and needs to be addressed to eliminatethe disease of its root.This year “Stop TB in my Lifetime”, “calling theworld free of TB” was the theme. The campaignelaborated on the message that everyone has a roleto play in elimination of TB from all over thecountry.Kids Enjoying Camel Ride During WTB Day at LahoreZoo-March 22, 2013Each year, NTP and partners commemorates theWTB Day on March 24 often with a variety ofactivities leading up to the official day. The annualevent commemorates the date in 1882 whenDr.Robert Koch announced his discovery ofMycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacillus thatcauses tuberculosis (TB).WTB Day Seminar at Boy Scout's HallQuetta-March 24, 2013The world TB day was a success throughout thedistricts. The awareness among the communitywas increased regarding the TB diagnoses,management and treatment facilities available,both in public and private sector.Poster Painting Competition at Lahore Zoo on WTBDay-March 22, 2013<strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> Pakistan, with its implementingpartners, commemorated the WTB Day withvarious activities in 60 PPM districts. Theactivities included: WTB Day Walk, seminars,community gathering, press conference, artcompetition, and WTB day sessions at schoolsand colleges.Boy Scout and Girl Guides During WTB Day at RHCBarakhue Islamabad-March 29, 2013WTB Day Walk by ASD at Rahim Yar Khan-March 24, 2012Dr. Darakhshan Badar on WTB Day at Hospital,Lahore-March 21, 2013PPM <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong>

PPM DOTSInter PR MeetingInter PR meeting was held at NTP Islamabad.NTP, MC and GSM representatives participatedin the meeting.Areas of mutual interests were discussed amongPRs. were given by the Prs.Success Story-1Progress Update Till March 2013The progress update till March 2013 is as following:3171 new smear positive TB cases diagnosedand registered through PPMTB Branding at health facilities started.PPM implementation in Gilgit Baltistan hasnow started.Total 1870 GPs were trained under PPM andare implementing TB DOTS as per NationalGuidelines.Total 234 labs were strengthen by providingMicroscope and lab reagents in 60 PPMdistricts.New Single Stream Funding (SSF) proposalhas been submitted to the Global Fund andapproval is awaited.PPM extended to two new districts Multanand Faisalabad.Dr. Syed Hussain Hadi joined <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> PRUnit as the Senior Program Manager.Highlighting TB Message on G.P.O Wall forAwareness-2012In district Mandi Bhauddin all major areasincluding Schools and Colleges, Post Offices,Banks, Tea Stalls, Photo state shops, SnookerClubs, Playing Grounds/Stadium , Water FilterPlants, Rikshaws and Other Public Places werebranded with TB messages for awareness.Mrs. Rukia a TB Patient Successful TreatedThrough TB DOTS-2012Success Story-2Rukia is 40 years old housewife from DistrictKhuzdar. She has two daughters and three sons.She does embroidery at home to support herfamily and to spend life in a good way.Her niece, Saira was a coalition member andvisited her aunt. She observed that her aunt washaving a fever and cough. Upon inquiry she foundthat the duration of fever and cough was of morethan 2 weeks. She had also lost weight. Sairasuspected her aunt for TB and referred her to thenearby hospital for sputum smear microscopy.She was identified TB suspect on July 4, 2012.After that she was diagnosed as TB patient andwas registered on July 18, 2012 and her treatmentinitiated. Now she is cured, after six months ofregular DOTS treatment.Highlighting TB Message on Village shop Wallfor Awareness-2012Together we areAssociation for Community Development (ACD) Association for Social Development (ASD) Bridge Consultant Foundation (BCF) Green Start Marketing (GSM) <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> Lahore (MC-Lahore) Pakistan Youth Pakistan Lions Youth Council (PLYC)PPM <strong>Mercy</strong> <strong>Corps</strong>

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