Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...


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78 <strong>Women</strong> <strong>offenders</strong>: <strong>after</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Corston</strong> <strong>Report</strong>early intervention for girls in <strong>the</strong>ir early teens when problems begin to emerge, forexample, related to being in care, school exclusion, under-age drinking, and violence, andto address inter-generational issues, for example, by reducing <strong>the</strong> number of mo<strong>the</strong>rs goingto prison. 430 Liz Rijnenberg believed that ccommunities need to “own and work with <strong>the</strong>sewomen and <strong>the</strong>ir families.” 431205. The Probation Chiefs’ Association thought that <strong>the</strong>re is now greater awareness that asignificant number of service users with <strong>the</strong> greatest problems and most complex needsutilise services across a range of national and local government departments; localauthorities were beginning to grasp <strong>the</strong> financial and intergenerational impact of womenand young girls entering <strong>the</strong> justice system and in particular <strong>the</strong> impact ofimprisonment. 432 Accordingly, <strong>the</strong>y saw potential for locally integrated targets. 433Never<strong>the</strong>less, this is not yet sufficiently integrated via <strong>the</strong> various departments with <strong>the</strong>work of probation.206. We note <strong>the</strong> Government’s commitment to expand <strong>the</strong> Troubled Familiesprogramme. We believe that it should direct support to children whose parents arealready directly involved in <strong>the</strong> criminal justice system, because <strong>the</strong>y are serving time inprison or sentencing in <strong>the</strong> community; we were surprised that this is not one of <strong>the</strong>explicit criteria for inclusion in <strong>the</strong> programme. The Ministry of Justice, in conjunctionwith <strong>the</strong> Advisory Board, must clarify who has responsibility for promoting <strong>the</strong> needsof women <strong>offenders</strong> and those at risk of offending with commissioners of mainstreamservices.Addressing <strong>the</strong> root causes of <strong>the</strong> vulnerabilities identified by Baroness<strong>Corston</strong>207. <strong>Women</strong> in Prison revealed that 79% of <strong>the</strong>ir service users report experience ofdomestic violence and/or sexual abuse. 434 Clinks cited recent research that demonstrates adramatic and uneven reduction in local services to prevent and protect violence againstwomen and girls and it is feared that this will result in an increase in such violence. Clinks,among o<strong>the</strong>rs, considered that it is <strong>the</strong>refore essential that any approach to women has, atits core, a strategy for responding to <strong>the</strong>se overwhelming levels of violence and abuse. 435208. Similarly, in relation to poverty—ano<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> vulnerabilities identified by Baroness<strong>Corston</strong>—VCS organisations identified worrying signs that <strong>the</strong> economic downturn isimpacting disproportionately on women, with cuts to services that provide assistance withlegal access, benefits and debt advice, housing support and mental health provision in <strong>the</strong>community. 436430 Q 209 [Ms Rijnenberg, Ms Calderbank, Ms Castell]431 Q 209432 Ev 120433 Ibid.434 Ev 74435 Ev 89. See also Ev w16, Ev 88, Ev w63436 See for example Ev w12, Ev 89, Ev w57, Ev w124

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