Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...


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<strong>Women</strong> <strong>offenders</strong>: <strong>after</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Corston</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 65Foreign National Prisoners167. According to <strong>the</strong> most recent statistics from <strong>the</strong> Ministry of Justice <strong>the</strong>re are just over600 foreign national women in prison, representing approximately 16% of <strong>the</strong> femaleprison population. 343 Baroness <strong>Corston</strong> told us that she particularly regretted not havinghad sufficient time to specifically consider female foreign national prisoners (FNPs). 344 LizHogarth saw <strong>the</strong> limited attention given to <strong>the</strong> needs of FNPs as an example of <strong>the</strong> absenceof strategy and monitoring arrangements: “[...] <strong>the</strong>re is no longer a foreign nationalstrategy within <strong>the</strong> women’s estate, and that helped previously to keep people focused on<strong>the</strong> needs. There could well be slippage happening. Foreign national coordinators inprisons may be good, but, if <strong>the</strong>re is no questioning from <strong>the</strong> centre and NOMS to makesure that it really is happening, <strong>the</strong>n it becomes unknown.” 345 She, along with <strong>the</strong>Detention Advice Service and <strong>the</strong> Prison Reform Trust, called for a national strategy for <strong>the</strong>management of foreign national women in <strong>the</strong> justice system, including those held inprison 346168. Nick Hardwick characterised <strong>the</strong> needs of foreign national women as <strong>the</strong> same as foro<strong>the</strong>r women prisoners but exacerbated, for example, as a result of: <strong>the</strong> distance ofseparation from <strong>the</strong>ir families, which tend to be larger, with <strong>the</strong> expense of calling abroad(foreign national prisoners are limited to having one free five-minute telephone call amonth in lieu of visits); language difficulties; and <strong>the</strong>ir expectations of prison. 347 Forexample, <strong>the</strong> limited use of interpretation facilities, and lack of access to translated printedmaterials can act as a significant barrier to understanding of and engagement with <strong>the</strong>prison regime – including participation in education, training and employment activities –and this can result in foreign national prisoners feeling isolated, depressed, and evenunsafe. 348169. We were encouraged to hear that closer links had been forged between <strong>the</strong> UK BorderAgency and prisons resulting in some improvement in rates of processing deportationcases. 349 Never<strong>the</strong>less, our witnesses highlighted several areas in which <strong>the</strong>re was more tobe done. FPWP Hibiscus, which estimated that <strong>the</strong>y work with about 35% to 40% offoreign national women, find that a lot of <strong>the</strong>m go on to win <strong>the</strong>ir cases againstdeportation. In <strong>the</strong> process, because <strong>the</strong> system is so lengthy and so complicated, we heardthat women experience a number of stress factors, including increased suicidal ideation,increased depression and low mood, for example, as a result of trying to deal withimmigration issues, including perhaps having <strong>the</strong>ir children in care, whilst incarcerated,and beyond tariff. 350 Unlike in immigration removal centres, where detainees have accessto <strong>the</strong> Detention Duty Advice scheme, <strong>the</strong>re is no coordinated provision of immigration343 Ministry of Justice, Offender management statistics quarterly, prison population tables, March 2013344 Q 10345 Ibid.346 Q 11347 Q 234. See also Ev w23348 Ev w23349 Ev 103350 Qq 175–177

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