Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...

Women offenders: after the Corston Report - United Kingdom ...


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64 <strong>Women</strong> <strong>offenders</strong>: <strong>after</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Corston</strong> <strong>Report</strong>temporary licence and, in some locations, parenting programmes and mo<strong>the</strong>r and babyunits, which “reassured and encouraged” her. 335164. The Government’s review of <strong>the</strong> female custodial estate should include a thoroughconsideration of prison regimes with a view to better supporting <strong>the</strong> development andsustainability of family ties; affording women <strong>the</strong> opportunity to develop <strong>the</strong>ir parentalskills; and safeguarding <strong>the</strong> welfare of children.Resettlement165. We encountered several examples of regimes being insufficiently tailored to <strong>the</strong>resettlement needs of women. 336 A prisons inspectorate survey found that 38% of womenin prison did not have accommodation arranged on release, and that only a third ofwomen who wanted help and advice about benefits and debt received it. Ano<strong>the</strong>r exampleof this is <strong>the</strong> emphasis that is placed on education, training and employment with a view topromoting prisoners’ employability on release—which Baroness <strong>Corston</strong> described as “<strong>the</strong>holy grail of <strong>the</strong> Prison Service”—that may not be priorities shared by <strong>the</strong> women<strong>the</strong>mselves, for whom it is often more important to find accommodation, particularly forthose who wish to reunite <strong>the</strong>ir families. 337 The education manager at HMP Foston Hallsuggested that <strong>the</strong> prime objective should be to make sure that women who are mo<strong>the</strong>rshave <strong>the</strong> skills to look <strong>after</strong> and raise her family on release, for example, budgeting andparenting skills. 338 On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, Working Chance, a charity which offers professionalrecruitment services to female ex-<strong>offenders</strong>, were critical of a lack of emphasis ondeveloping work and employability skills within female prisons, having found that womenwho have overcome <strong>the</strong>ir problems are highly motivated to find work, which may alsoenable <strong>the</strong>m to support <strong>the</strong>mselves and <strong>the</strong>ir children on release. They proposed moretraining such as IT, bookkeeping, customer service, and administrative skills is needed. 339The women that gave evidence to us had mixed experiences of constructive activities,although <strong>the</strong>y were generally positive about education, programmes, and opportunities toexercise. 340166. Nick Hardwick felt that giving responsibility for through-<strong>the</strong>-gate services to reducereoffending to new providers under <strong>the</strong> Transforming Rehabilitation proposals had <strong>the</strong>potential to neglect <strong>the</strong> role of prisons <strong>the</strong>mselves in both preparing prisoners for releaseand reducing re-offending. 341 Rachel Halford raised concerns that <strong>the</strong> extent of cost cuttingwithin <strong>the</strong> system risked reducing levels of staffing to <strong>the</strong> extent that existing rehabilitativework would be undermined. 342 The review of <strong>the</strong> prison estate should examine <strong>the</strong>impact of recent, and planned, cost savings and resulting headcount reductions both onregimes and resettlement provision in women’s prisons.335 Q 303336 See for example Ev 103, Ev w21, Ev w23, Ev w41, Ev 89337 Ev w21, Q 27338 Ev w21339 Ev w132340 Qq 58–64341 Q 247 [Mr Hardwick]342 Q 166

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